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New Addition to my Flock

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This just sucks. Sorry. I hate threads like this. I was too wondering about how on earth you could have had a Grey for a little over a week and be welcoming two more Macaws home. I fear for how you will handle the dynamics of your Grey as you are tried by the many things they do as they grow. It is going to take patience. I hope you have that much. If you end up rehoming your Grey, just resign from this site, and do not tell us.


As mentioned above, search for my "update" on my relationship with my grey.


In the meantime, if you don't like my thread, no one asked you to read it or comment.


Mods, please close this thread from further comments.

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Your signature explains everything, I wish I read it first: "Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off."

Mr. Jay-d Sheppard


what is that suppose to mean? Is this "personal" attempt at getting directly offensive towards me?


Do you know me as a person?


Have I offended you personally or anyone in here?


So is that what this forum is about, someone disagrees with something an individual does so go and offend them and be judgmental?


If thats what this community is about, then I don't want any part of it.


At least some have been polite enough to pm me with concerns and follow up, in a respectful concerned manner, those are the type of people I try to align myself with.

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That's what is so great about the forums, we can read what we want, ignore what we want, write posts and answer threads, agree and disagree... Isn't freedom Greay't!!!! and even let other people read threads we are tired of.

To :xcelprinting.com

[bold to show who comment is directed to]

A excellent choice o bird for you and your family would be a "Ring Neck Dove"


I have decided I will remain a 1 bird person....I have been enjoying how my relationship with Meggie has been turning out.

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1) Goodness...you just never know what is going to push peoples buttons. I mertely do not want to hear about rehoming bird due to being a moron.


2) Sorry if I offended you. Jeez..sometimes I don't know what gets into people on this forum.



I am reading and responding to these 1 at a time, and just got to this one, so here's my "rightful" response in my defense:


Do you know me? Have we ever met? Have I called you a MORON as you call me?


You call me a Moron and in the same sentence say "sorry if I offended you"...? Then you go on to say "Jeez..sometimes I don't know what gets into people on this forum", you should be banned for your ignorance and behavior, not sure why mods didnt do so upn reading your IGNORANT response.


whats worse, my ignorance with birds, or your IGNORANCE and acting childish with insults?


Why didn't this guy get banned?

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4) I don't care to hear comments like this....and quite simply I can go to another board and not have to deal with it.

As a matter of fact, if a mod can lock this thread, as I don't care to hear anymore comments like this, and will not return to read any updates to this thread.

I'm sorry, I miss read this, thought you were done with this thread jayd

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