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Just need to vent...


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As most know, I rehomed Rene a few weeks ago. He and James my boyfriend are not hitting it off at all, James has to put it bluntly been an a$$ about Rene, and now he keeps telling me he thinks taking Rene is a bad idea and it wouldn't be this way if we had the baby we were supposed to blah blah blah.. And to be totally honest I had these fears before Rene came to us too.. Last year when Akima was still alive, I was 100% happy with my decision to own a grey to watch it grow etc. to have a grey that wasn't just eye candy so to speak, I know our relationship is still litterally brand new and I/we are rushing, but I think we just really miss our baby and Rene was supposed to fill that gap and were looking for instant gratification which isn't fair to Rene or us.. I fell instantly in love with Rene bites and all, but the doubts that James puts in my head are hard to ignore and "baby fever" is even harder :( So now I am left being 100% responsible for him as James has basically made it clear he will have nothing to do with him :( but I think I prefer it that way I wouldn't have to go back and make sure the birds were fed or clean now I know it was done right the first time LoL.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to get my feelings or what I have time to type out of my head and somewhere else :)

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I don't think it makes a difference whether you get a baby OR an adult. Harvey used to like us all (me, Michael & the kids), but as he gets older he is much less tolerant of all of them. Michael still tries and tries, nearly always to no avail - Harvey bites him, but the kids have completely given up. I don't blame them - it must be awful the rejection (which obviously isn't something I suffer as Harvey and I are the best of mates). Michael does feel dejected that Harvey won't love him as much as he loves me - but he never, ever treats Harvey any differently - he talks to him, gives him treats (shares his Sunday lunch - not mine!!) etc. It would be difficult if Michael took James' stance - and I would feel totally divided too.


I think the problem with James is that it's not "instant" love from Rene - he knows what Akima was like, fluffy baby and all, and feels he wants the same relationship from Rene (which obviously is going to take much, much longer). It must be hard for the "outsider" in the parrot/favourite parront relationship, but James is just going to have to toughen up, act like a man and accept his relationship with Rene may be slightly different to that which he had with Akima.


Come here and vent your frustration all you want - we all suffer it!!! :)

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It is great to have a group who can understand where you are and how you feel. Sorry he is being a B- tt-head but as time passes you will see Rene grow his personality and develop his relationships lets see how James improves, shall we?:rolleyes:

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