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The last few months :)


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So I haven't been on the Grey Forums since Yoshi's birthday mid-April... lots going on here with work and what-not. I passed my military PT test, which I had been stressing out about :P It's just slightly hectic lately at our house, but it's finally winding down. Yoshi hadn't been getting quite as much attention, but is now happy that she is getting just as spoiled as she used to again :P


So, enough about me, updates on her! Yoshi is doing well... has now lost 3 of her original clipped feathers and the first two that dropped two months ago have been replaced fully by two beautiful flight feathers :) Yoshi doesn't hit the ground hard at all anymore... it's amazing how much of a difference those two feathers have made. She works those wing muscles all the time, jumping off her cage and getting farther and farther before she gets the the ground, flapping like mad. She seems very proud of herself, and I was delighted to see another feather on the floor last week. I know she wants to fly... She also has a couple new dark purple-red tail feathers that look so pretty! I captured a picture with her wings open that shows off her new wing feathers, they look kinda funny pointing out so far :P I'm glad they haven't bothered her at all!


I found Yoshi a nice little stand for our bedroom... only $40 from a lady who makes them and was clearing out her garage :) That's the one Yoshi is on in the pictures :P


I found out Yoshi is scared to death of balloons :x So balloons are a no no in our house unless away from her...


But I think the biggest new thing is "talking"... at least sort of. She has been making the weird gremlin noises for months now... still is... and whistling. Well, Yoshi has picked up on "Peek-A-Boo!" and LOVES IT. It's funny though, it's like she is cheating... she more just whistles the tune, or notes, then actually "says" the words. It's a work in progress I suppose :P It is fun playing Peek-A-Boo with her although she wants to do it ALL THE TIME lol. So my husband and I are hoping she will attempt something else too! Who knows?


Well that's all for now, I'm sure I'm leaving something out lol... I have soo much to catch up on here and missed you guys and your Grey's a lot!




Edited by jessdecutie18
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Hi Jess ~ great to hear that you've been busy (but haven't forgotten us)!!! Congratulations on your PT test - takes some doing and training so you must be so focused!!!


Great to hear that Yoshi is doing well - she's absolutely lovely, those pictures are great - love the stand! What a bargain! You'll have to try and catch her on video saying "peek a boo" - how cute!!


Good to hear from you x

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Congratulations on passing your PT test Jess!!!! Great update on Yoshi. I remember watching my grey practicing her flying. You will see a great difference in Yoshi's confidence once she is flying around. I can't wait to see some pictures. That's a great playstand you found for Yoshi!!!

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