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Instuctions/plans for PVC play stand

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Hi All, I've recently been introduced to the wonders of pvc piping as playstand building material. I was wondering if anyone might know where I could find a building "plan" for one of these creations. My CAG needs a playstand and I'd much rather pay pvc prices.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Lauren and I was fairly active on this site a year ago. My CAG is named Pax and she's two years old. I'm happy to be back on greyforums again.

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Welcome back Lauren and if you search thru the threads in the homemade toys and playstands room you will find some threads with instructions on making one out of pvc pipe, I made one for Josey but to this day she still won't use it! 36_1_6.gif

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Hi, if I may with out getting anyone upset or mad, PVC is poisonous to humans and fids..[sorry] If you build a PVC play stand, etc, it should be wraped in "Vet Wrap" or equivalent, anywhere the bird can touch. when it gets tattered, you can replace it. What I use is CPVC pipe, you buy it at the same place, you work with it the same, it only cost a little more, it doesn't have to be warped, and, it's safe for human and birds. GLUE: if you roughen the end pieces, most of the time you can get a wedge fit without glue. If you must use glue, only use a dab, take a thin screw driver and place a drop in the female part, all the way in, always leave a opening when gluing. Try not to glue the last piece, if you must, drill a hole to let the glue gasses escape.



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Good morning, If the connector piece were purchased at the same store section, then there probably PCV, just wrap with a little vet wrap. The stands and where the bird can't chew is ok. PVC and CPVC, won't connect to each other, there a little different in size. Sounds really good... Jayd

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Cpvc is the "water" pvc correct? when I was at the home store, I noticed a tan color pvc right next to the white pvc and the clerk said it was water line pvc for the house, I ended up purchasing that because that had the correct size that I was looking for, but I did notice the white caps wouldnt fit on the tan and vice versa...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorinated_polyvinyl_chloride So I guess you could call it a happy accident that I bought that kind instead even though Rene wont go anywhere near the stand or ladder lol

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Cpvc is the "water" pvc correct? when I was at the home store, I noticed a tan color pvc right next to the white pvc and the clerk said it was water line pvc for the house, I ended up purchasing that because that had the correct size that I was looking for, but I did notice the white caps wouldnt fit on the tan and vice versa...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorinated_polyvinyl_chloride So I guess you could call it a happy accident that I bought that kind instead even though Rene wont go anywhere near the stand or ladder lol

YES!!!!!!! That's Grey't..................Jayd

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