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Is Anything Wrong With This?


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Many know that one of Issac's favorite treats is Penne Pasta (whole garin) noodles with a light coating of red palm oil. Is it too much to give him a little dish of these, about 5-6 noodles with the slightest bit of Palm Oil on them? I figure it's a small serving. He eats his forumula and vegies good too.

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Our fids, especially Joey, love uncooked "Wacky Macs". It is a rotini macaroni that is veggie based. (orange is tomato, red is beet, green is spinach and white is wheat) Where we are at, we purchase it at Smith's/Kroger's Market and at Safeway Market. They all get 4 pieces in their food bowl daily and as an occasional treat.


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He'll not eat them all - so I wouldn't worry about "overloading" - as you know, 90% of what we give them ends up on the floor anyway - so in reality he'll probably only have one full bit! The only thing I would say is about the palm oil. I have noticed if Harvey has too much it "goes straight through him" - and it's not poop - more palmoop (and it stinks!!). :)

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Actually, this is a treat he will leave less than 15-25% behind. I am totally shocked with how much he loves this. It gets his super excited when I ask him, "You want some noodles?" He starts hooting and whistleing and making the sounds of the microwave that will reheat some noodles. And then when I serve, total silence and peace. He may come back to them twice, but in the end....he leave very very little behind. Certainly something I can easily call his #1 treat. The noodles are whole grain and the amount of red palm oil I put on is very small...so I am figuring I can't be doing him wrong by it. He also gets his veggies and baby food in as well...so I feel he is well rounded.



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Everything sounds great! May I make a suggestion? Baby food; read the labels...most baby foods are high in vitamin A and Iron. A small amount of baby food occasionally is fine. Don't stop! May I suggest; it's time to switch to a more natural food. Get yourself a sweet potato/yam (white or orange), cut in half and put in a microwave safe dish. Cover with water and cook for approximately ten minutes, turn it over and cook it again for ten more minutes. It is done when you can stick a knife through it. (You can also cut it in chunks and boil it in a pan of water til soft). Our fids like it warm. You can peel it and use it with his other veggies...or you can use Spock's Smash recipe...Enjoy...


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Toight I gave him 7 fresh boiled noodles. He left zero...nothing...I mean NOTHING! No idea how he did it...but they are vapor my friend...this is how much Issac likes this!!! At MOST...1% dropped...dead...serious. They aren't small noodles..wiki them if yer not sure of the size..but zero doubt...he loves em...and I feel if I had put 30 out there..he'd a frackin gobbled em.!


(geek hint..frack comes from the series I am watching..what series is it?)


Seven Penne Noodles Were Here....




Edited by Elvenking
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(geek hint..frack comes from the series I am watching..what series is it?)




Battlestar Galactica... although I'm not really into that :P

My husband and I are pretty geeky lol... lots of gaming and anime and computers in our house. But then what do you expect, we both love computers, he is a programmer and I do Computer System Operations and Network Management in the Air Force :P

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Also that's funny about the noodles :) Yoshi is like that with cheese (although she only gets a small piece as a special treat) and with pizza crust. She eats 3/4ths of a half slice worth of pizza crust, then gets down from her playstand to grab anything that fell.

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Yes...Battlestar is the right answer for sure. I only bring that up because my friend brought every episode that ever existed over to me in a 200GB package for me to watch...I am hooked. Anyway...yes..when they find something they like...they go crazy.

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Nice appetite perhaps now he will leanr to wash that dish. If you like geeky try finding the Firefly series, excellent dialogue and they had respect for physics in space.

"Firefly" (2002)safe.gif


Series overview and information on the production, cast, and crew.

Full cast and crew - 14 Episodes - Memorable quotes - Trivia

www.imdb.com/title/tt0303461/ - Cached - Similar


"Burn the land and boil the sea you can't take the sky from me."

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Ahh yes...I have been referred to that series before. I will have to check it out when I get done with this BSG series. Yeah, I am geek for sure and work in software engineering. Of course Star Trek was my original geeky show, but I am expanding :)

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Lol...too funny. It is so nice to know how you can truly satisfy them when you want. He totally knows that when I say, "Want noodles?" that heaven is on the way. He does his little 'happy I am about to get fed' sounds and can bearly wait for me to put a little red palm oil on em before he is head down and tail up in to bowl. Thanks for sharing that Judy.

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One of Dixie's favorite foods is shrimp scampi (minus the sauce). When we have this dish she gets her angel hair pasta lightly coated in red palm oil and a few pieces of shrimp that we've cooked (boiled) and peeled for her. I've never known a bird to eat shrimp, but Dixie loves them, of course when we deep fry them, we can't eat in front of her.




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