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bring my baby home


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Hello,Today at 3:oo im driving to pick up my 24 week old baby grey.I still have to handfeed feed 4times a day.Shes so little.Im going to be asking for lots of help with her.im so excited to get her...I hag a older grey before but ive never been through baby time....wish me luck....

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24 weeks old and not weaned yet?? Are you sure you have to handfeed FOUR times a day? My baby is 19 weeks old and he practically eats everything but the kitchen sink! And on one feeding of formula a night, which he has started to refuse 50% of the time now.

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Congratulations on your new birdie :) In terms of size, a 24 week old grey is full size. My Grey is currently 25 weeks so they are very close in birthdays. However, yes she is gonna act like a little baby for sure. they are too cute. Post pictures when you can. :)

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24 weeks old and not weaned yet?? Are you sure you have to handfeed FOUR times a day? My baby is 19 weeks old and he practically eats everything but the kitchen sink! And on one feeding of formula a night, which he has started to refuse 50% of the time now.


I am curious about the 4 feedings a day as well, and also the method of feeding...by spoon or syringe. Also, how much over the course of 4 feedings is being given to him? However, Issac still takes his formula in the morning and night and i happily give it to him because I know he gets the nutrition he needs there too. So it's not a bad thing if a grey still takes forumla at this age. I could probably take Issac off completely and he would be fine, but that meal is so easy to give him and he loves it still...so I continue to give it. Issac is nearly 6 months. They all said he would refuse it one day, but I doubt that very much.

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It is so exciting when you bring your little bird home. I wish you and the bird all the luck in the world. 24 weeks does seem a little old to be needing 4 feeds a day . Please let us know how the home coming goes.

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Spock here! If your piggy is still on formula, so be it, I ate it till I was over 24wk's..I still eat 50ml at bed time due to not feeling good..How much doe's she weight? what's her name, got any photo's, sorry, happy for you...


Live Long ad Prosper!

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Congratulations on your new baby.


You say you need help, which we are all certainly willing to do, but we need to know what you need help with?


How are you feeding, with a spoon or syringe?


How much are you feeding (CC) each time?


Did the breeder show you how and give you complete instructions on proper preparation, temperature, amount etc?


I am sure you are filled with joy and probably feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning.


Poor your guts out! :)

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