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Issac Week 25


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So Issac is now one week away from being a whole half year old. Humm...what has happened with my little baby over the last week. Well, as some know, he did show me how to use the keyboard....it seems I had it wrong all along.




Speaking of toys, I got two toys over the weekend that were both hits. One was a toy that had milk caps on it. He managed to completely strip this thing of around 10-12 milk caps in two days. So, I am actually going to go to a bulk supplier of these caps and get about 250-500 of them so that I can make mobiles out of them for Issac. they make him so happy. The other was a mobile with small wiffle balls and little plastic hollow bunnies on it. He loves to chew the plastic bunnies all the time. It has kept him in his play area more than any other thing I have seen.


He also continues to diversify his set of sounds. He has started doing the wolf whistle too. The first time he did it really good, I was covering him up for the night...I nearly fell over....I just thought it was so funny. I didn't have to do that in front of him very much before he started picking that one up. He is also sounding like he is really trying to say things. It's hard to describe other than a little bird voice trying to nail some words down. He amazes me with his efforts and I love him for trying.


Well suprise suprise, he still enjoys his formula, much like I thought he always would. I don't think he will stop enjoying it either. No matter though because when I think of how easy it is to feed him this little meal, it really doesn't get much easier insuring he gets something good for him. So I am kind of lucky I guess.


I fear I will never get the harness on him again. As soon as that small part has to go around his head (which is the very first thing that has to happen), he vigorously yanks out and flys away. That sucks because I want to take him out and socialize him as not many people come over. Three times is all I ever got it on him. Any suggestions on an approach to that issue are welcome.


In general, Issac has been the total sweet bird he has always been. I love having him close to me and constantly look forward to being home with him. We play peek-a-boo a lot and he loves to do this. I love the morning showers, I find it a good time to do talk training as he is most chatty then. I love all his noises.


Sometimes he like to fly over my head doing a loud pterodactyl-like cry. Like doing a fly by on my head. Sometimes he will actually fly by and do a kick-off on my head and keep going. LOL. Funniest thing ever. I adore him.


That is all for now, I look forward to celebrating his 6 month milestone next week with a special post. Until then. Happy Greys to all. :)




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I love these weekly updates.

Keyboards are certainly BIG FUN. I strapped one that Dayo destroyed and placed them all in a 2 pound empty coffee can along with other foot toys. They enjoy just playing with them at times. I must admit though, it did not solve the fun of trying to pop keys off the new keyboard.

Getting the harness over the head is always the hardest part here as well. There have always been times it seemed he just didn't want to go, so I did not harness him. After the winter, he seems not to want any part of the harness. So, I have turned it into a touchy feely let me lay the strap on you, around you etc. and he loves chewing on it. I know the harness will need to be replaced because I feel some of the connecting welds are now jeopordised, but it's worth it try get him back in the harness again for summer outings.

I truly enjoyed the GreYt photos and he is really flourishing under your loving care. Thanks for sharing all this with us. :)

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Dan is right, it isn't always easy putting on the harness so don't despair.


Murphy was harness trained when I picked him up as the breeder had been introducing it to him & putting it one as part of the training but it can still be a pain to get on him. I don't think he has even accepted it like the Macaw in the training video you get with the aviator. When I put it on him the other day for his Village stroll he kept ducking & diving trying his best to avoid it going over his head. Eventually he put his head down for a tickle & I slipped it over & away we went.

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I had originally watched the harness video and was expecting to have a lot of difficulty initially. However, the first three times, it was not much of an issue to get him in the harness. After that, it's like his nemesis. He doesn't mind it getting near him...but its that darned part that has to go over his head. I am going to watch the video again and see if there are nay tricks I am not remembering. I really really want to get him out. I think in the next week I am going to order a travel cage. However, I am not sure how satisfied either of us will be with him sitting in a smaller cage outside. I want my baby to meet other people though.


Also, thank you all who regularly follow Issac's progress. It is so nice to know that people are following me on this little adventure.



Edited by Elvenking
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Those young greys are easy to do things to a few times, simply because they are an infant an do what they are requested. However, once they encounter something they really do not like, they will start refusing it and fight it.

When Dayo was the same at his age, I had to slow down on Dayo after about the 3rd time as well. I Used treats like an almond to try and coax him into not focusing on the harness going over his head. Also, when trying to remove it, normally was a battle so I would give him another almond to keep that beak full while I quickly removed it. Otherwise the bites were hard and plentiful.


The most important thing to remember, is to try and never make it a bad experience, frigthening or an out right battle. If that point is reached, it will be near impossible to ever get a harness on again.


If Dayo refuses now. I am happy to stop and just go about other things respecting his wishes that day. Perhaps he just doesn't want to harness up and go.


I watched that dvd many times as well to check and make sure I didn't miss anything. It is a great video and always a joy to review once again.

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Thanks Dan. Yes, I try not to make it a wrestling match. I so want to get that association going with him that he can get out and see the world if he just suits up. He doesn't seem to be missing it at the moment though. He is totally happy just flying about my humble abode at the moment...chewing up my keyboards. I love the little guy. I am having a moment....I want to hold him. :)



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*sighs* isn't the harness such a dilemma! I'd love to get Yoshi into hers but as of yet have been unsuccessful. I can usually get it over her head no problem, for me it's when it goes under her wings she throws a fit... But I haven't tried in a month and now Yoshi is much more used to me lifting her wings up... Perhaps it's time for another try :P


I love hearing about your grey :) it's so cute watching them grow up!

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Actually getting it off Murphy can be more difficult sometimes, you just have to keep trying & as Dan said try to make it a nice experience. Murphy had a bad experience once while putting it on him, I can only do it on his stand as on his cage he just runs away & I have no chance but this one time on his stand I had got it over his head & one wing & just about to do the other wing when he tried to step up into the harness & he lost balance & fell off his stand & was tangled in the harness. After that I thought no chance would I ever get it back on him but after a couple of attempts he was fine, although I don't think he actually enjoys having it put on, but once he's outside I think he knows it's all for the best :)

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