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Rene's history (again sorry long)


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Rene is just about 3 years old and was gifted to my cousins wife when he was about 4 weeks old, this is nothing new for them my cousin is a breeder, and his wife had helped in feedings etc. but never raised a bird of "her own" She immediately noticed something Little off with the baby she was having trouble filling the crop and he just kind of seemed lifeless, my cousin took over feedings but nothing really changed, he was vet checked, and it was said that his crop fills and empties correctly nothing wrong that he could find. well days turned to weeks and Rene continued growing putting on weight just as he should growing feathers but still acted different, he wouldn't try to perch, he was just content on the bottom of his "baby cage" My cousins wife slowly became more distant she wanted a large light Grey, and Rene is dark with very pretty white tips on the ends of his feathers, (they are separating and the family is happy with that decision) so that was when my cousin took over as main care taker, Rene is also a very messy Grey he never manages to keep his poop in his cage, it is always on the floor or all over the bars of his cage on toys etc. (which leaves me forever cleaning) So he was placed into the kids TV room far far away from my cousins other 'cleaner birds" now don't get me wrong there was plenty of activity in there, he had "roommates" and was in love with my cousins pionus Sp? when Rene was finally weaned (he just decided he wouldn't accept formula anymore) he was moved to his big boy cage and still continued to sit at the bottom, so they purchased a corner shelf for him and then that became his only spot to hang out, and that continued for maybe 6 months after his placement in that cage, he slowly started trying new perches swings etc. but still favored the corner shelf (a side note I have to same shelf in this cage and he has maybe sat on it 2 times since he has come here and it was just a quick "poo" spot then he was off to eat again.)

So thats about what I know about him, and I am also want to say my cousin was great at what he did, he had many many birds and he tried to find some time for all but due to him moving out most had to be sold or placed until he finds a living arrangement more permanent. He would rescue if he could and seek now homes for the lost bird .

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