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Bazil (my quaker) was doing laps around his cage searching.. he even stopped and checked inside his empty tissue box (which is his very favorite toy ever!!) he was also screaming his foolish head off!!

and I think Rene answers because the house he came from had a bunch of greys and they all communicated so I think it reminds him of home...:cool:

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Glad you all enjoyed it!! Thanks for watching and replying!


And Yeah I was SO very happy to hear this! She keeps saying it over and over today, She is getting SO good at it! Yay!!!


Poor Bazil, He could never find the mystery Quaker :( He sounds like a real cuitie pie :) And yeah they can be foolish little things, But You gotta love them. Kokomo (my Quaker) can talk SO good, And he can be the sweetest little guy, And then he can be the biggest stinker in the world, lol

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LoL somehow this has turned to quaker chat lol OOPPSS soorry!! Someone here I believe it was JayD gave them a perfect nickname *Evil Green Chicken* and Bazil most definetly fits the bill on that one!! he is cage aggressive but a total love bug once away from his area, I tried in vain to get him to talk so all he says is "what?"

but back to the Grey side, I get soo excited when something new pops out of Rene's mouth he tells all my cousins secrets lol...

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Lol, Evil green chicken, Thats the best! haha


And I know it is so exciting when they say new things, I already have heard "I love you" out of Calypso today! It is like she has discovered she can talk and now she is trying all kinds of silly noises in effort to make words. Now granted the "I love you" was still very marbly but you could tell thats what it was for sure :) :) :)

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