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We're all going out for a walk.


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Going out for a walk round the Village, taking Ella-Rose, Murphy & Zeus my German Shepherd.........the cats can come do if they want, sometimes up the fields behind my house Binks our cat follows us up the foot paths :)


Murphy & Zeus have been out together on a number of occasions but not Baby Ella-Rose as well, I'm guessing Murphy will hitch a lift on the push chair :P

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What fantastic photos Paul - I absolutely love the one of Ella-Rose and the boyz! It tells such a story - Ella-Rose has her eyes firmly fixed on Zeus, Zeus is acting like such a Diva and posing for the camera and well, Murphy couldn't give a hoot what on earth is going on!


I think you are one brave man to take all three out - I struggle with just the parrot!!! Thanks for these pictures - all of your babies are gorgeous!! :)

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Thanks for all the nice comments. It was the first time I took out all three of them & it was fine, they all behaved extremely well. Ella-Rose just loves Zeus, he plays with his toys in front of her to show off in the garden & she laughs her little head off, it's so cute. Murphy was oblivious to any of us while we rested, he was just enjoying the scenery. I'm very lucky I have it on my doorstep, my whole village is surrounded by countryside & miles of walks, it's wonderful :)

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Sorry Paul, but I love that Murphy started to nip you when he was ready to get home. Paco does the same to me, and well, misery does love company. I always know when Paco has had enough of the "great outdoors" and wants to get back into the comfortable house! Great pics, but yes, you obviously are a man of stong substance, I'd struggle with taking any of the three out, never mind all at the same time!

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I guessed he was nipping because he felt a little insecure & was saying "enough's enough now Dad, I want to go home to the safety of the house" I also wasn't sure how it well it would go & if I would even make it outside the gate, so I did a little test run up & down the path before I went any distance & it was cool.

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