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Hello I am new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Samantha and I have a full house. I have 5 Children and 4 birds with 2 more on the way.


Mai Tai- He is our 8 year old Sun Conure. Came to us free because the family did not have time for him.






Ozzy- Our African grey, this poor guy was given to us too he has deformed feet so I need to move him from in his cage to the top then back in at night other than that he gets around his cage well. He is doing better than when we got him he didn’t really stand upright a lot but now he has great motion in his feet and doing wonderfully.








Madonna and Oreo are our 12 week old Cockatiels and they are just a joy to have.





Edited by Ozzysmom
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Hello Samantha and welcome to our family, my you are a busy woman with 5 kids and birds with more on the way.


Thanks so much for including pictures of your flock, I too have a sun conure and she is about 6 years old, a true delight to have.


Thats so sad about Ozzy but if he was born that way then he knows no different and you are to be commended for taking him in and giving him a good home, he needs love and attention the same as the others.


Now just what kind of birds are you getting in the near future? Curious minds want to know if you are willing to share that information with us.


You do have a lovely bunch of birds, thanks for sharing them with us.

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Hello Samantha and welcome to our family, my you are a busy woman with 5 kids and birds with more on the way.


Thanks so much for including pictures of your flock, I too have a sun conure and she is about 6 years old, a true delight to have.


Thats so sad about Ozzy but if he was born that way then he knows no different and you are to be commended for taking him in and giving him a good home, he needs love and attention the same as the others.


Now just what kind of birds are you getting in the near future? Curious minds want to know if you are willing to share that information with us.


You do have a lovely bunch of birds, thanks for sharing them with us.


Well the kids wanted Parrots but I feel that kids do not have any business having such high demanding birds so I agreed that if they earn the money for feed, toys and health insurance they can have cockatiels. So they are all getting one bird they are expected to handle them daily, feed them and do all the care themselves. I stay home so they get attention during the day too. So we have 2 more cockatiels coming. I am hoping for another grey and/or Amazon in the future.


Ozzy is a gem his leg was broken when he was a baby and he had surgery. When I got him he was being housed in a building in the backyard in a small cage and being housed with 100 chinchillas. It was dark and not much human interaction. He is coming out of his shell and really flourishing. He bites but after spending an hour with him on me the other day he is not trying to hurt me he is trying to play so now just to teach him limits on the strength of his bites we will be good. He is so cute.


I like to stay busy most people think that my day is crazy and I do way to much for the birds, but we have a routine and they know what to expect. Funny story my roommate wanted to give them their bed time treats so I said ok. Mai Tai was ready for his treat so he was squawking at her to hurry she said ok Ill get your treat. She went to the birds treat container and got the treats. She gave one to Ozzy and then went to give Mai Tai his and he bit her. I suppose he was mad because he is usually first.

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Mai Tai was ready for his treat so he was squawking at her to hurry she said ok Ill get your treat. She went to the birds treat container and got the treats. She gave one to Ozzy and then went to give Mai Tai his and he bit her. I suppose he was mad because he is usually first.


Oh yes they know who comes first and I do that at my house too, my sun conure was my first parrot so she gets things first and Josey my grey knows that too.


I am so proud of you that you made your kids that committment, they will learn what responsibility really is, wish more mothers would follow that regimen and who knows they may follow on with larger parrots when they get older, they have such a leader in you.


Poor Ozzy to have to endure such living conditions but he will blossom out now that he is under your care, you are just what he needed and he has come a long ways, I look forward to hearing more about him.

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Love your family it sounds so much like our own. Kids turn into wonderful humans when they learn respect, compassion and caring for animals of any kind. I think birds teach us all so much about reading body language and creative solutions to daily challenges. Yay for Ozzy having such a great change in his home life, I know he will thrive with you and am certain that he does not consider himself impaired.

Edited by Greywings
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Welcome Samantha and Flock!


It's always a joy to hear of someone like you taking in birds in need of a good loving home.


Truly enjoyed you comments and photos. Looking forwarding to hearing and seeing a lot more. :)

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Thanks for joining and kudos for making time for the kids, the birds and now the forum too. It seems all those are time consuming and plenty of hard work but the reward seems to be double the amount of effort. Love your little flock. Hope it always flourishes and brings you happy days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Samantha, I'm so pleased to know you and what a great mum you are in caring for your children and flock. Mai Tai is absolutely beautiful as are the others. Ozzie has certainly "landed on his feet" having you care for him, what a lucky chappie he is.


I look forward to your posts and updates on present and future flock members ;-)

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