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I have some questions


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Hello everyone,


Ok .. Since I'm new for parrot owning, I'll ask few questions. And here we go ;) :


Q1: My parrot is 1 year and few months old, is it still easy to make him love me? and how? ( Can't wait till that day come :rolleyes: )


Q2: My parrot seems don't love to stay in the cage, is it ok to let him out of the cage all the time?


Q3: Is it right that if I let him out of the cage all the time that he thinks he's the boss and wont care about me?


Q4: I have heard that I should not let the food in his cage all the time so reward thing work perfectly, is it right?


Q5: How I let him play with the toys i get for him?


Q6: Which way is better:

1-Make his cage in my room, and if i go out of home he will be almost alone.

2-Make his cage in the living room, and he rarely will be alone, but I wont be able to be with him all the time, as I do my things in my room.


Q7: How do I learn him "Step up" command? ( dreaming that he steps up all the time :o )?


Q8: Bathing, bathing and bathing .. How? I always try but he don't enjoy it at all, and he let his feathers together and the water don't go through to his skin.


Q9: About rewarding, what's the best treat as reward?


Q10: Is it ok to spray him daily with water?


Well.. I guess that's all what i can remember at the moment :D. If i remember another thing I'll post it :).


Sorry for these many questions, but sadly none i know and asked told me the right thing to do, Aoodi is with me for around 2 months now. I almost lost Aoodi trust because of an advice from a person i know. But when i saw this website i started doing what you saying. And the good thing is that Aoodi now let me get my hand closer than usual :cool:.


Thank you all :o



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Q1: My parrot is 1 year and few months old, is it still easy to make him love me? And how? ( Can't wait till that day come :rolleyes: )

That depends upon what you mean by love. What do you expect from a parrot? Are you comparing it to another type of animal? You need to give more details about that.


Q2: My parrot seems don't love to stay in the cage, is it ok to let him out of the cage all the time?

Most parrots love coming out their cage. A cage isn't a natural place for a parrot. The bird has to get used to a cage and keeping a bird in a cage all the time can cause problems. You should also have some type of playstand near a cage all the time. Greys get bored quite easily and they need mental stimulation and toys.


Q3: Is it right that if I let him out of the cage all the time that he thinks he's the boss and wont care about me?

Just the opposite. He'll be extremely happy that he has freedom and freedom has nothing to do with being a boss.


Q4: I have heard that I should not let the food in his cage all the time so reward thing work perfectly, is it right?

Just the opposite. Parrots need food in their eating area all the because they don't eat like people or domestic animals. The only food that can't stay in a cage all day are vegetables and fruit which go bad after a few hours.



Q5: How I let him play with the toys I get for him?


The toys are given to a bird on playstands, cages and other places and the bird decides what it likes or doesn't like. You can't make a bird like toys. Most parrots don't like some toys that are given.


Q6: Which way is better:

1-Make his cage in my room, and if I go out of home he will be almost alone.

2-Make his cage in the living room, and he rarely will be alone, but I wont be able to be with him all the time, as I do my things in my room.


#2---he needs to be where all the action is all day. Your bird doesn't need to be with you all the time. There's many other interests that a bird likes and they won't affect any relationship you have with the bird. Keeping the bird in a room by itself isn't a good idea.


Q7: How do I learn him "Step up" command? ( dreaming that he steps up all the time :o )?

That's something you'll have to wait on since there's many ways to do that and others can give you some ways to do it.


Q8: Bathing, bathing and bathing .. How? I always try but he don't enjoy it at all, and he let his feathers together and the water don't go through to his skin.

That's also a question you'll have to wait for others to answer because there's many methods.


Q9: About rewarding, what's the best treat as reward?


There is no favorite treat. Many birds like a variety of things and others will tell you about the variety that's available and what kind they use.



Q10: Is it ok to spray him daily with water?

You can do that as many times as you like but parrots don't need to be sprayed everyday, especially greys. The water just rolls off their feathers. Your most important thing here is learning how to thoroughly bathe him

Edited by Dave007
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I will try:

1 It is never too late to get them to love you, just treat them like you would a precious object, continue to care for him, be there for him, consistency is key too, he will learn to trust you and with that trust comes the love. He is still fairly pliable at this age and his true personality is yet to emerge for a while but if you just let him set the pace of what he is willing to accept and don't push for more than he is willing to give then you should be fine. Remember time and patience are your best friends right now.

2 You will have to cage your bird when you are out of the house, a bird can get into so much trouble if they are allowed to free roam, there are things they could get into and kill themselves. My birds are caged when I am out and when I get home they are out until they go to bed. On weekends they are out most of the time but not all, I feel they need to spend some time in the cage even if I am at home, sometimes I just need to do some things that they should not be nearby like working with cleaners and such.

3 No that is not true and some of it depends on the personality of your particular bird, its mainly in how you train them but he will still love you.

4 A grey is a forager and he will snack on things throughout the day so food should be available at all times just as water is, some foods will spoil if left for a few hours but pellets are good all day and some nuts, seeds and such can be provided too. As you get to know your bird you will find out what they prefer most and use that as treats.

5 When you bring in new toys you will more than likely have to allow your bird to get used to them being around him before you can put that toy in his cage, greys are notorious for being scared of new things and it helps to play with it first yourself to let him know it is fun and sometimes that works to encourage them to play with it.

6 He should be in the busiest part of the house and that usually is the family room for most of us for they like to feel like part of the flock, of course he can accompany you on a playstand or some such thing when you go to your room but they like to be right in the middle of what is going on.

7 My suggestion about step up is to put your hand in front of him about chest high and say step up pushing with your hand into his chest so that he starts to get a little off balance and most will step up on your hand, when he does praise him lavishly and do it several times a day until he knows what you want him to do, Josey now will step up and I don't even have to say the words she know what I want when my hand comes to her chest.

8 Some greys do not like water and that includes mine but she does get showered, she doesn't much like it but tolerates it. Some will willingly bathe in a bowl or big container of water and some will enjoy a misting or spraying. It is hard to get them wet if they don't cooperate by opening up their feathers but do the best you can.

9. There is no set thing that works with all greys, mine would do most anything for a sliver of cheddar cheese, some like almonds, some peanuts. You will have to find out what your bird likes best and reserve that for treats, you will get the most cooperation with it.

10 Its ok but they really don't need it but twice a week and you can use 100% aloe vera juice to sprintz him with after a bath or as a bath, it is a very soothing product for their skin especially if it is dry.

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Wow Hattan! Many questions!! :) It is good you want to know all these answers! I will try to help.

1)Aoodi is still young enough to make friends with you and trust you. To do that, you MUST NOT push him to do things he does not want to do, like step up, or let you scratch him. He will come to you when he feels safe to do so.

2)All parrots I know like better to be out of their cage, but for their own safety, there are times when they must go into the cage, so make it fun and pleasant for him to do so, by putting nice toys in there, and a favourite food treat.

3)I don't know about this. My parrot is out of her cage alot, but she does care for us, although she can sometimes behave like a child who wants to be the boss!

4)Aoodi should always have fresh food and water available to her. You can leave her pellets for her at all times. Fresh fruit and vegetables should be offered every day, but taken away again before it goes off/bad. To reward Aoodi when you are training him, use a treat that is his favourite.

5)When you get him new toys, you must give him plenty time to get used to them. Greys can be very fearfull of new objects. Let new toys lie around where he can see them for a few days (or longer if neccesary) before you put them in his cage.

6)I think the cage would be best in the room where there is more going on, which is probably the living room. Parrots like to be involved with the family and what is going on.

7)When he is ready to step up to you, use his favourite treat to lure him on to your hand. be sure to keep the hand you asking him to step on to, very steady, so he feels it is a safe place to be. Put this hand very close to him, just in front of and above his feet and say "step up". He will most likely "test" it with his beak first, so do not be alarmed - he is not trying to bite you - parrots use their beak like a hand. When he does step up, praise him immediatley.

8)Most greys do not like baths. Take him into the shower with you, let him sit up on the rail and the steam will give him moisture. Some members use a spray bottlel with the nozzle set to a fine mist - he may mind this less, but the steam from your shower is less invasive for him at this point and may be the way to go.

9)The only person who can tell you the best treat to give to Aoodi, is Aoodi!! Among a list of treats to try are pine nuts, sunflower seed (better used as a treat than a main diet) raisins, almonds, walnuts and so on. Just try a few different things and see what he likes!

10)A spray daily with water is ok, every other day is fine. 100% Aloe Vera Juice is good to spray them with too.

I hope this helps a litte Hattan. Do not be afraid to ask as many questions as you like!! We are all here to help, and are more than happy to!

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Hi Hattan,

Nice to have you in our grey family and Im sure you will find tons of advice and helpful info. Now concerning your questions, I will try to answer what I know, but there are lots of people more expert that I am who will certainly give you great advice.

Q1: My parrot is 1 year and few months old, is it still easy to make him love me? and how? (Can't wait till that day come )

A1. I got my grey when he was 4 years old and he loves me a lot, so it is never to late. Your grey is still actually a baby and you can do a lot of training and behavior modifications. Just be patient and loving. It will take time for him to trust you, but you will enjoy every moment.

Q2: My parrot seems don't love to stay in the cage, is it ok to let him out of the cage all the time?

A2.Time outside the cage is very important. My grey spends at least 8 hours daily outside his cage on his play stand and he loves it. He goes back to his cage for eating, drinking and of course sleeping & napping. If you take him out to play, make sure to keep drinking water close by


Q3: Is it right that if I let him out of the cage all the time that he thinks he's the boss and won’t care about me?

A3. I don’t think that’s right, but he should get used to some schedule or routine, like coming out to play in the morning after his breakfast, then back to his cage for lunchtime, or nap time and so on. Routine is very essential and comfortable for them

Q4: I have heard that I should not let the food in his cage all the time so reward thing work perfectly, is it right?

A4. NO Not right, you should keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables all the time in their cage. I do also keep my grey’s pellet bowl full all the time, but I limit his seeds, so that I can use them for training purpose, as for the treats, he gets them when he goes to his cage quietly when its time for me to go to work. I also hide treats in his cage in places for him to find it during the day, like between his toys and in his toy basket and so on…

Q5: How I let him play with the toys i get for him?

A5. Toys can be either interesting for them, so he would want to have it immediately, or might be a little strange and scary, so you have to try. If he likes it, he will go to it immediately, if he doesn’t, then you have to introduce it to him slowly, cos greys in general are skeptical. First make sure the toy is safe, then you can introduce it by putting it in the same room far from his cage and bring it gradually closer to him every day or 2. Also it helps if you would hold the toy, play with it, bring it closer to your face and mouth so he starts to feel its safe.

Most important is not to force them or scare him, just go with his own pace.


Q6: Which way is better:

1-Make his cage in my room, and if i go out of home he will be almost alone.

2-Make his cage in the living room, and he rarely will be alone, but I wont be able to be with him all the time, as I do my things in my room.

Normally best location in the home is the center of the home where there is always activity and people and sounds, but also it should be somewhere he can have a good night sleep, cos greys need to sleep for around 12 hours, so a tv in the room might not help at all. You can consider a sleep cage in a calm corner of the house, or you might keep the cage in a quiet place, but place the play stand in the living room. You can also keep another play stand in your room so that you can spend time together. Just make sure that the cage or playstand is not in a direct air current, or direct sunlight. Also take care of windows and doors, especially if you will let your grey fly or roam around the room. One more thing is to make sure there is nothing dangerous around that may get your grey in trouble (like electric cables, chemicals, detergents, candles, air fresheners, open water …..)

Q7: How do I learn him "Step up" command? ( dreaming that he steps up all the time )?

There is a lot of training methods and on this forum you will find lots of interesting stuff in the training room, go through them and try. Im sure soon you will find the best way to train your grey, it only take patience

Q8: Bathing, bathing and bathing .. How? I always try but he don't enjoy it at all, and he let his feathers together and the water don't go through to his skin.

Its OK, that’s quite normal. Some greys bathe on their own, just place a bowl of clean water and observe if he might bathe on his own, if not, then you should find a way convenient for both you and him. Kookie my grey doesn’t really love bath, but we do it once a week, he has a stand that I place in the bath tub, and I sprinkle him from the shower with warm water. He bears it for few minutes and that’s enough to clean his feathers from dust and to moisten his skin. You might choose to spray him with a sprayer but in all cases, try not to get lots of water into his beak and nostrils.

Q9: About rewarding, what's the best treat as reward?

You will discover what he loves best, Kookie loves almonds, peanuts, peanut butter, and nuts in general. Just try and you will find out what he likes best


Q10: Is it ok to spray him daily with water?

I guess its ok, but Im not sure if its necessary or not, depending on your area and climate. So if it’s a dry climate, you need to spray him more often cos greys like humidity.

I hope my answers satisfy you and Im sure other members will offer their valuable advice.

Enjoy life with your grey companion

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Thanks a lot :D. I feel a person with more knowledge now :cool:, thanks to you :o.


I'll try to do what you said for sure. and by the way something good just happened to me :D Aoodi Regurgitated to me this afternoon... Feeling lucky :cool:.


Thanks for the replies again :).

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Thanks a lot :D. I feel a person with more knowledge now :cool:, thanks to you :o.


I'll try to do what you said for sure. and by the way something good just happened to me :D Aoodi Regurgitated to me this afternoon... Feeling lucky :cool:.


Thanks for the replies again :).


You have been honored with that gift, Aoodi loves you for sure. 36_3_13.gif

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