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Buddy's doing great!!! A little history, Buddy is a "RESCUE", he came from a house of drug abuse etc. He was physically and mentally abused for entertainment. He was taught every vulgar and cuss word you could think of. Buddy is a Mitered Conure, he's a large bird, the size of a Grey. The only time he still cusses is if other people are around. From his action's we assume he was "poked and prodded" he won't let anyone near him, we give him a broccoli stem to keep him busy while his cage is cleaned. He bites, and when he does, it's a attack, multiple strikes.

He is free flighted and let out of his cage almost every day. He get's along great with the other conures and 'Tiels. His roommate is a Indian Ring necked keet, he's also a rescue, extremely plucked, with no chance of regrowth of feathers. He's very intelligent, Each morning he says, "Hello good morning" and at bed time he says " good night", he knows the difference. When he see's Rolo our dog, he says "kitty kitty kitty, come here! He doesn't know the different between a cat an dog...

He has a large vocabulary, and if you stay back a couple of feet from his cage, he'll talk and act like a normal bird. We keep trying, but I don't believe he'll ever be social, just long as he's healthy and happy.....Jayd and Maggie We love him very much....






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Those two look like great together, best buddies, its good they have each other but it is so sad the way Buddy was treated, how people can be so cruel to treat an innocent animal that way, well at least he has landed in the lap of luxury for he has two people who cater to his every whim even if he won't allow them to touch him. Thanks for sharing a bit of Buddy with us and much thanks to you and Maggie for allowing him to share your home.

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Bless him, what a little angel. I am deplored by people who taunt and crucify harmless things - things that are unable to complain, unable to share their pain with anyone. I would like to be invited to "police" these lovely people!


Great pictures of Buddy - he's such a gorgeous bird. I am sure that he will be "thanking his lucky stars" that he's found such wonderful people to care and love him - no matter whether he's never, ever your little pet or not. Thanks for Buddy's history - poor, poor thing x

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Awww poor Buddy! I feel so badly for him. It reminds me of what my Grandmother used to say, "Life is half and half, half good, half bad, it's just to bad you can't decide when one is going to kick in". It sounds as though Buddy used up his bad half quickly, so that is why he landed in a great cage with Jay, Maggie and flock! I think the good half has already made up for the bad half, but we all carry baggage from our past.


He's a very pretty bird!

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It is so sad when a bird or any animal is not treated as it should be but I love seeing them in a new caring home where they never need to worry again about anything. OK Buddy may never be a cuddle bug but who cares,he is safe and happy and thats all that matters.

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