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Kihei's newest word...Warning..*Explicit*


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Well, everyday is an adventure when it comes to her noises and vocabulary..since she is 16, was in one house her entire life, and we have only had her a month or so, we hear new sounds everyday, and have yet to have a day go by that we arent cracking up at something that she says.


This morning she said "who cares? F**k 'em". LMAO...i almost fell down laughing. Certainly a sentiment I feel regularly. I told her I agreed with her wholeheartedly. Then she beltched REALLY loud...which sounded suspiciously like my husband after he has a few beers. :rolleyes::cool:

Edited by judygram
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I am sure you will continue to hear all sorts of words and phrases but if I were you I would ignore the foul language parts for any reaction will only reinforce it further, if she no longer hears those kind of words spoken she will say them less and less but I know it is funny to hear from her, just go to another room and laugh if you can. They say kids say the darndest things well so do greys!!

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It's amazing, isn't it? My CAG, Brutus, was 12 when we got him a couple months ago; and we still are continually hearing sounds and phrases that he apparently learned in his former home. We haven't heard any swear words...yet. His former owner must have been quite a cook. The other day, my girlfriend was heating up a slice of leftover pizza in the toaster oven, and Brutus commented: "You're burning it".

G/F: "No I'm not".


G/F: "I AM NOT!"


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I agree, you have to try to hide your reaction if they curse, otherwise you will be hearing it alot, and when you don't want to. It can be an issue if anything ever caused them to need to be rehomed, a lot of potential owners may have more than 2nd thoughts if the bird sounds like... Me!


I'm proud to say my parrot has only heard me curse once, I stubbed my toe and stubbed it badly. I cursed all Holy Hell, and with every word I know. I turned around to a cocked head which was happily listening to all the new exciting sounds I was making. Luckily he was so young at the time I think I got away with it, but I'm really conscious of it.


I like hearing what your parrots say to you guys though, it's like being the metaphorical "fly on the wall" in someone elses home!

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Well, everyday is an adventure when it comes to her noises and vocabulary..since she is 16, was in one house her entire life, and we have only had her a month or so, we hear new sounds everyday, and have yet to have a day go by that we arent cracking up at something that she says.


This morning she said "who cares? F**k 'em". LMAO...i almost fell down laughing. Certainly a sentiment I feel regularly. I told her I agreed with her wholeheartedly. Then she beltched REALLY loud...which sounded suspiciously like my husband after he has a few beers. :rolleyes::cool:


That is funny, maybe I should teach Murphy to say that to my neighbours......lol


In all honesty though I really do have to watch my mouth now as the last thing I want is Murphy swearing or my little girl (when they start talking that is). All of a sudden I have these two little souls who could pick up anything I say :o

Edited by reggieroo
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In all honesty though I really do have to watch my mouth now as the last thing I want is Murphy swearing or my little girl (when they start talking that is). All of a sudden I have these two little souls who could pick up anything I say :o


They are like little sponges they pick up anything and everything and even though it may initially be funny it can be repeated at the most inopportune time, not good.

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They are like little sponges they pick up anything and everything and even though it may initially be funny it can be repeated at the most inopportune time, not good.


You really do need to watch what you say, or worse yet, teach a talking parrot to say. There was a guy not far from me who owned a little redneck bar on Lake Toho, and his Maccaw sat on a perch behind the bar ever day. Every time a customer addressed the bird, the bird would respond with an obsenity. It was quite the joke among the local patrons. Not long ago, the owner died, and someone in his family put the parrot on Craigslist, looking for a new home. The last I knew, nobody was willing to take the bird.

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Certainly NOT something I encouraged, well not intentionally anyways. In any event she hasn't said anything naughty before, or since. :) Just thought i'd share her antics, bad, good, etc. :)

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Certainly NOT something I encouraged, well not intentionally anyways. In any event she hasn't said anything naughty before, or since. :) Just thought i'd share her antics, bad, good, etc. :)


We're glad you did, thats what it's about here.....share all our greys antics :P

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I'm certain it took you by surprise and was hilarious at the moment.


Until the realization set in that the words could come out while you may have guests over it would repulse or suspect you cuss a lot. :P


It's good to hear it is not a constant exclamation. After not hearing for a while, it will go back in to the lesser used phrases and you can also replace words that sound similar and they will use those instead.


I had to replace a few words I used to exclaim when upset with "Shoot!" and "God Dangit". :)


This only took a month or so to become Dayos exclamation when something happened that upset him like dropping a toy or slipping while climbing around.

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My TAG Meggie, has only vocalized Peek a Boo in a really cute childlike way, she mumbles a couple things very low, they always sound the same but I cant make out what it is, she says "beep" and also does a beep, she does about 4 different whistles which I love...but there is something she says in a low tone but everytime she's said it I can swear it sounds like "oh $hit", oh and this sound that sounds like a long queezy fart.


My new Severe Macaws the male says "Hello", Okay, and some other things I'm trying to figure out what they are, but I just got them today.


Cant wait till my Meggie starts to say whatever it is she said in her former home, they said she had a wide vocabulary, unless they lied.

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  • 5 months later...

I got an African Grey who likes men. I am her second home. She bonded with my daughter who left home. I was probably too demanding and loud when I first got her and there were no men around. She lived with my daughter and her roommate and learned to swear. She used to bite me badly until I got her a puppy. Now she is meowing like a kitty cuz she wants one. My otherhalf has a swear word he likes and she loves to call me this word. At first I thought she was saying, Huh? Later it turned into w___e expressed loudly especially if I am on the phone. She meows like a kitty telling her puppy what to do. The hardest part besides her insulting me is being super picky about food. She throws more than she eats. Demanding Cookies - and telling me not to give her that crap. She throws anything healthy. She also is lazy. How can I help her be more active. When I try to get her to do tricks she is defiant unless I give her some candy which I am sure all of you will not approve of. I love my bird and am trying to be a good parent but she really tests my patience. I know she needs to be handled more and I know it. She has done some serious damage to my face and fingers in the past. I know she now has quit biting me after we had a talk but I still find it hard to forget. As I am sure she does how bossy I was when she first came into my home. There certainly is more to this Bird Ownership than I bargained for. I have had my bird ten years. She primarily speaks in my voice. Will it always be this way?

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I am sitting in my office absolutely laughing out loud and the others in my office have had to have an explanation!! The cooking pizza fiasco is fantastic!!! Go on Brutus!!!


As for the diversional tactics for the swearing - I'm not sure what you can replace them with - how about "fire them" or "free time" !!


We have to be so careful though don't we!!

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I got an African Grey who likes men. I am her second home. She bonded with my daughter who left home. I was probably too demanding and loud when I first got her and there were no men around. She lived with my daughter and her roommate and learned to swear. She used to bite me badly until I got her a puppy. Now she is meowing like a kitty cuz she wants one. My otherhalf has a swear word he likes and she loves to call me this word. At first I thought she was saying, Huh? Later it turned into w___e expressed loudly especially if I am on the phone. She meows like a kitty telling her puppy what to do. The hardest part besides her insulting me is being super picky about food. She throws more than she eats. Demanding Cookies - and telling me not to give her that crap. She throws anything healthy. She also is lazy. How can I help her be more active. When I try to get her to do tricks she is defiant unless I give her some candy which I am sure all of you will not approve of. I love my bird and am trying to be a good parent but she really tests my patience. I know she needs to be handled more and I know it. She has done some serious damage to my face and fingers in the past. I know she now has quit biting me after we had a talk but I still find it hard to forget. As I am sure she does how bossy I was when she first came into my home. There certainly is more to this Bird Ownership than I bargained for. I have had my bird ten years. She primarily speaks in my voice. Will it always be this way?


My goodness. I think you should start a new thread with all of this information in it. There are a lot of people here that can give you great advice, but not everyone will look at the bottom of the second page of a silly thread to find it. Start a new topic and I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestions to help you out. Hang in there, I know it's difficult! Good luck!

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i certainly wouldn't be very happy if willis started swearing! my boyfriend is insistant on trying to get him to say dumbass and f**k off, despite me explaining why i don't want him to learn such words. i admitt, it might be funny the first few times but it's not something i want blurted out at random. thank goodness willis hates my boyfriend and won't repeat a single thing he says or i'd be in trouble...or he would be rather! :)

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I had to replace a few words I used to exclaim when upset with "Shoot!" and "God Dangit". :)



I replaced the sh** word with Sugar. It sounded so much nicer. My ex used to say the "f" word all the time, and when the kids came along I made him replace that with Fudge, so I have a habit of saying Fudge or Sugar now. It's all sweetness in my house...........lol.

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