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Update on Mo Jo


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Well I took Mo Jo to vet today because he had scabs under his wings and the vet picked the scabs off showed me how to wash with mild soap once a day and put silver cream on it. She also started him on antibotics which have to be given in shot form twice a day and also gave him a vitamain shot as well. She told me the best way to switch his food and care for him. Wow alot to do since I just got the bird Tuesday. But I am up for it please cross your fingers for me. He goes back next friday to see how he is progressing and when that heals up will run blood work to see if his plucking is being caused by a skin condition. I will get pictures up soon I hope.

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You have surely been plunged in at the deep end. Good luck with giving him his meds etc. Bless him - he's going to have a lot to cope with. Just be patient and love him. He'll come through it and you will have a wonderful companion for your efforts.

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You are a brave girl, I have never had to give Josey shots but know that one day it might be necessary, guess I will deal with it when or if it happens but you have quite a task before you but you seem like you have it under control, good luck and keep us posted.

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just got finished with first shot he did alot of growling and screaming but was quite as soon as put him back in his cage. It has to be quite a shock for him first new parents and now new parents doing this to him I hope he doesn't wind up hating us for it.

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If he does end up hating you, it will pass. Right now you need to get him healthy and thats the first most important thing. Of course your being loving the rest of the time so maybe he won't hate you at all, just be a big confused about things or maybe take a little longer to build trust. Your awesome for doing all this.

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Well as of now haven't seen too much progress on sores wash them and put silver cream on the once a day that he just luvs yea right and still doing shots twice a day. my husband uses towel to get him out and hold him for all of this so now if anyone picks up towel he starts to growl and growls any time he sees my husband. I think he likes me more which is a good thing lol. We go back to vet friday. He spends most of his day out of the cage and will make noises ocassonally kissing noise or say something here and there I guess the more use to us he gets maybe the more vocal he will be. Tomorrow will be a week I have had him. I know I am looking at a long haul as far as him trusting us. We just take it day by day.

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well this evening mo jo has started lifting his wings looking like he is trying to fly off the top of the cage its the first time I have seen him this active and since the vet said he probably couldn't lift them up last friday because of the sores and scabs I think we are making positive progress in that department. He is also enjoying head scratches. He actually was caught tonight eating some pellets that were in the cage so I am hoping the switch wont be so hard after all considering his previous owner said he wouldn't touch pellets. So at least we had a good day today which just tickles me.

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Ok so we went back to vet today for Mo Jo's one week checkup she said she was pleased with the progress sores are healing nicely and he got another vitamain shot today and he has gained 10 grams in a week. He also stepped up on my finger for the first time when we got home from the vets office. So I have one week left on the antibiotic shots and to keep cleans sores and putting silver cream on them. I also bought some of the sun shine factor to start putting on his food to help entice the pellets. I noticed she sold it last time I was there and then saw somebody on here talking about it so I asked her what she thought about giving it to him and she said that I should try it. She also sells the harrisons but I already have my other bird on roudy bush and have started mo jo on it as well so I will leave well enough alone on that. A question for anybody that uses the sun shine factor the bottle says one ml on food but thats only a drop doesn't seem to even get his attention is that right or should I use more?

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I don't know anything about the sun shine factor but glad to hear Mo Jo got a good report from the vet, thats always good to hear, I think the future is looking brighter by the minute of Mo Jo.

Thats great he has gained a little weight and congrats on the stepping up.

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