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Rambutan a close relative of the lychee


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Its been a while that i havent logged in and I miss you guys...

OMG this new forum is completely different than it used to be...

Im not recognizing my way around it but Ill get used to it


I wanted to know if any of you ever tried to give your grey a Rambutan fruit or its seed. Rambutan is so close to Lychee and I couldnt find any info about it

I know its very rich in vitamin C and is a good antioxidant.

Kookie saw me eating that and he was so desperate to get one, but I wasnt sure. He seems like he know it or has eaten it before, cos he is always reluctant to try anything new, but he was so excited when he saw this fruit, so my guess is that he knows it from his previous owners.


Ill post few pix of it, so please let me know if you have any info



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They are yummy...a lot and so healthy especially for our skin...and many swear they have anti-aging effects...

They are great antioxidants and not so rich in sugar..

So After I read a few articles about them, and about their seeds, I decided to give a try with Kookie, since he was going crazy for them...so we tried with a small part, just to test... after 24 hours and since nothing was observed with Kookie, we went for a full fruit...and oh my...he loved it till the last piece....


This was day before yesterday and Kookie is still as chatty and loud as ever...the only thing is that he is calling himself "naughty" all the time.....LOL so could it be the effect of the rambutan??? I wonder....

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and many swear they have anti-aging effects.......

Anti-aging??! I'm off to order a TONNE!!!!


..the only thing is that he is calling himself "naughty" all the time.....

Lol - it's the anti-aging properties - he is regressing!!!

Glad he likes them - it's always something else to put on the menu!

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