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Nesting bahavior?


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Kihei has begun to climb off of her cage when it is open, the floor and she goes to a particular corner of the living room and pulls the carpet out, making a little pile of the carpet fragments. Obviously this is isn't ok. So when I approach her to move her out of the corner she puffs out her feathers and literally charges me. Very aggressively. Also when inside her cage she is all of a sudden shredding her newspaper on the bottom her cage into tiny tiny little shreds and making a little pile of the paper.

The problem is, is that we can't leave her cage door open anymore and allow her free time because she is just going straight to that corner of the living room and shredding carpet and getting incredibly aggressive with us..I want her to have free time but can’t allow her to get aggressive with us. Any suggestions? Is this behavior temporary..like a heat cycle? She has just started doing this in the last week.

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The way you describe her puffing up and charging is somewhat funny...but I understand how this is really trying. Well, you can do like I did and find something that she does not like and place it in that corner. Issac was constantly flying to my vertical blinds and I could not get him to stop, until I placed a bird omen on the top of the rail where the blinds hang. He has not even gone close to there now.


How old is your grey?

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she is 16, we have had her less than a month. Another thing she is doing ALL THE TIME is regurgitating...when nobody is around her. We can be all the way across the room and she is on her perch regurgitating by herself.

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That's nest building. That's looking for nest material. Nature is taking over but it can be stopped. Try to find an unpleasent forgeign heavy object and put it on that corner of the rug and cover that area. I usually tell people to get a rock but any other very heavy unchewable, unattractive item will work. She'll soon stop doing that. It's mating season right now and males and females will sometimes do that to items that can be used in a nestbox.

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I don't have any experience with nesting behaviour, but that's what it sounds like. From what I've read, if she is hormonal, she may be harder to handle until it passes. Hopefully another member with experience will recognize the behaviour you describe. Stephen's advice about the carpet is golden. Find something she's terrified of, and put it in the forbidden zone. May reek havoc with your interior design sense lol, but it will save the carpet!

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