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Interesting Evening With Issac


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So just a few days ago I had a total handful on my hands with Issac being seemingly hyperactive and biting all the things he shouldn't. Last night, I come home and feed him. Then he proceeds to hang out in his play area for at least 80% of the night. Playing with the toy I hung inside his atom over the weekend. Like, "Here daddy, take the night off". I still kept talking to him and watching the cute little guy.


FYI, the bird evil toy omen still seems to be working for keeping him off my vertical blinds.


Then when I put him in his cage last night, as I was covering him up...he did the most perfect wolf whistle, I started cracking up....super cute! I have only done that with him a very few times.


I love this bird, my life hasn't been the same since he came home. :)



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He is so cute..I am glad the Evil Bird in the blinds is working. My grandfather used to put a fake owl near his garden to ward of rabbits. I think (if i remember correctly) it worked well.

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I can tell that Issac has you hook, line and sinker, what a ham to do that at bedtime to stall for more time out of the cage and I think he gets prettier with every picture you share with us, this one is super, such a handsome fella. The wolf whistle was the first thing that Josey learned and she still does it.

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I think the wolf whistle might be somewhat natural to them as Hawkins does it too and I expressly forbade my family from it for fear that he might do it when we are out sometime and get me in trouble. So much for that idea.

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I can tell that Issac has you hook, line and sinker, what a ham to do that at bedtime to stall for more time out of the cage and I think he gets prettier with every picture you share with us, this one is super, such a handsome fella. The wolf whistle was the first thing that Josey learned and she still does it.


Actually he is very good at bedtime...zero problems getting him back...it's the morning cage time before work he avoids.

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Yes, he is a great looking bird. Paco too started the wolf whistle as his first mimic, and it is still his favourite. He has so many versions of it now, depending on his mood. Confident and loud, pathetic and sad, inquisitive... It's amazing how well he does it, and it starts the moment he uses his ESP to know that I've just opened my eyelids. If I'm up a 5, so is he, and the whistle starts, if I sleep until 10, so will he, but the moment I wake up, whit woo!

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