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What guests experience when entering our bird house


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What guests experience when entering our bird house

When you enter our mobile, you have the kitchen on your right and the living room, hall, bedrooms and bathroom on your left. There is a five foot high bar divider, separating the living room from the kitchen. The living room is about 12x25'. Off the living room, the hall extends to the back bedroom. Next to the living room is our "small birds" room.

In the living room, when you enter the front door, on your left is Tango (our large 'Too) in a large cage. Next to him is Freddy, 'Too, (our plucked wonder). Against the far wall, you will find Salsa and Spock. Next to our couch is Joey in his community cage.

Spock starts off with "Hello" and "Good Water". Then he swoops in front of you with a blood-curdling Tyeradatycl yell and perches on the top of the fridge, looking like he will attack any moment. Tango, to your left is bobbing up and down and saying "Whatcha doin'?" Freddy's standing with his wings wide open, showing all his pluckness wonder, yelling "Freddy's here!!!" Salsa is on top of her cage, crouched over, looking like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, yelling "Step up!" Then there is Joey, perched proud and tall, saying "Spock, Salsa, Shut up!"

And from the small birds room, over the sweet murmur emminating from there, you hear Buddy saying "Wanna get some crack?" At this time, the guest usually leaves and we don't ever hear from them again....hhhhmmmm....


Edited by Jayd
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That was a wonderful tour of your home! It reminds me of the first time I babysat at my cousins house I was maybe around 13 and not to interested in the amount of birds that he had LoL, I was sitting in his living room the lights were off the kids were asleep upstairs, and I was quietly watching television, all of the sudden behind me came a whisper "hey...." "what are you doin???" I practically wet myself!!! ran turned the lights on to see a macaw sitting on the dining room table bobbing his head up and down... spinning in circles LOL.. His house was a very loud house during the day but I never expected it in the dark at night! and that was the night that I fell in love with parrots :)

So hopefully one of your guests will be inspired the way I was...

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It sounds fantastic! I'd love to visit, but I can't get Paco across the border, especially with the new immigration laws in Arizona! Neither of us could get in now! LOL!


Where did Buddy learn to say, "Wanna get some crack"? I'm assuming he's a rescue, which is very sad, but to imagine him saying this amonst the fervour that is your birdy home to a new visitor, very funny!

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Where did Buddy learn to say, "Wanna get some crack"? I'm assuming he's a rescue, which is very sad, but to imagine him saying this amonst the fervour that is your birdy home to a new visitor, very funny!


Hey Ryan - you have NO idea what Jay and Maggie get up to in their spare time :)


What a fantastic tour ~ never mind the Grand Canyon - I'll come to yours if I'm ever in the area!!! Thanks for sharing your lives with us - I love hearing about different people in different places and the comparisons with my (boring, normal) life!!!!

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Thanks all, and your all welcome to our home.... Buddy is a rescue, he's from a very undesirable home, we know he was expose to drugs and smoke, but not how much. The only time he cusses or makes drug related comments is when other people are around. I'll do a update on Buddy in "Other Birds" later today.....Jayd

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Thanks, I'd be interested in reading about Buddy. The reason that I asked, is I have a friend who has a Grey that was exposed to drugs and different smoke. The Grey was healthy and normal, but the "spouse" of the original owner actually blew smoke right at the bird to get it stoned. Heartbreaking... Anyway, that little Grey is now is with my friend, very loved, but also handicapped, mentally and physically. She doesn't make a sound around people, although she is very loving, but when she is outside in the aviary, she will sing entire songs, word for word... Her favourite is "Take me out to the Ball Game".

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