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Disenchanted With Grey Forums


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I recently posted a request for help with a troubling matter. The post entitled "My Grey rules the roost" in Grey Lounge-->cages &.. (if you would please read that post),.. received a few replies and I feel that nobody took the time to read it entirely, including my replies to those who answered my post. I'm not new to owning a CAG, Cosmo and I are well established with each other. The replies I received were short, and obvious. Of course I know the importance of keeping a parrot in his cage, that's not the question I ask in that post. I'm discouraged because I've been posting on Grey Forums for almost 3 years and always received good sound advice. I haven't posted or replied to a post in a while for certain reasons, I hope this is not one of those web forums that fall prey to "clicks" (if your not in, your not recognized). I don't know anyone personally who owns a Grey to ask specific questions, all I have is the people on Grey Forums. The situation I have with Cosmo is serious. He comes out of his cage when he wants to, that's fine when I'm home. I can't lock him in because he's figured out how to get out, every time for example, I have a Master lock on the door now. He's figured out how to open the door from it's hinges. He unscrews either bolt with his beak, then it falls open. He's even figured out how to open the food station doors by swinging the latch open from the inside of the cage using the very, very tip of his beak. (He's extremely smart!) Don't get me wrong, he's a sweetheart. It's just that I've been battling wits with him for years and I'm looking for some new ideas so I can go out of the apartment with some peace of mind.

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Well, I beg to differ!!! I read your initial posting, replied to your posting with my advice and read your replies - therefore I feel I can respond to your absurd claims of "clicks" and the likes! I don't know you, I responded - in fact, I don't know anyone on here personally!!!


The reason you've received no further responses is that the thread has run out of steam! Our replies have been met with "I've done that, I've tried that" - well, perhaps we can't suggest anything else!


I must say, it is the first time I have EVER read of any bird unscrewing the hinges on the cage door - mine hasn't got hinges, so this isn't an option. Now that you have the locks, and he can't get past them, why not change your cage to a one without hinges? If this is such a major problem then this would be your only option I would have thought.


Please do not feel that there are "clicks" of any kind here - I'm the "unclickiest" person alive, so if you want to start a "click" I'll put myself forward as your first member!!! :) We are all here for one reason - for the goodness of our greys. We have members from all over the world who are able to offer kindness, advice and support - 24/7. There are some members who specialise in breeding, there are some members specialise in training, there are some members who (this is where I'm not sure where I fit in!!) but we are all here to support each other.


I'm sorry you feel you haven't achieved a "solution" - but we are all just meagre owners, like yourself!! Please feel free to post more about your grey - we'd love to hear from you (he sounds a treat!)

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Hi Rick,

Sorry you are feeling this way aboaut the forum - I am one of those who did not answer you post. I have to be honest here though and say that when I read the title, I kind of thought it was a tongue in cheek post and my first thought was "don't they all"!! I'm sorry to say I didn't go on to read the post - there are just so many posts on here every day, you simply can't read them all.

I haven't found the forum to be clicky, some members get on better together than others for sure, but they will all answer any post regardless of who started the thread. I hope you get to the bottom of your little problem and manage to get a handle on it. I'm off now to have a squizz at your post and see if I can offer any help!

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Hi Journeyman,


I am truly sorry you feel that way. Sometimes when a post with a difficult question comes up. Many read the post, but never reply. I must say I am guilty of this as well.


I had to burn a few brain cells to give your concerns and questions a true deserved answer.


The cage door hinge bolts - Use "Nylocks" nuts on it. You can tighten them to where the hinge will still work properly, but when your parrot tries to turn the nut, the entire bolt will spend, not the nut. This will solve that issue.


The second way of escape is more difficult to fix, without disabling yourself from being able to open the food bowl doors from the outside. But, you can permenately bolt those closed and disable the "Lift-Up" block for the bowls so you can change the bowls from the inside. You already have the padlock figured out on the latch side of the cage door.


I hope this helps and apologise for not initially putting more thought into a solution that hopefully will work.

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Nice to have more information to work with as I don't remember reading about his abilities to take the cage apart. That is a very common behavior in Cocka toos not often that a Grey takes up engineering. The Nylocks nuts do help and this bird is expanding your creativity. My U2 is guilty of the same thing and my husband had an escalating competition trying to keep Harry Too inside the cage as well. We ended up after many losses to the Too with an eye bolt outside the feed doors that we slid a stainless steel rod through. This rod is threaded with one end capped off and the other end has a big washer and a wing nut. We undo the wing nut and washer then the rod just falls loose at that end and we can change both water and food. ou may have to sell that cage and replace it with one that is more solid to out smart your Grey dismanteler.P1000739.jpg

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WOW! I am upset that you seem to think there are "clicks" here. I have NEVER found that. Yes, it is true there are many here that seem to be the most popular in replying to posts, but they are the ones most experienced. Many members don't post if they feel they have nothing to offer, I am one of those, and am also busy and unable to post as much as I'd like to. Also some members are so busy, they know that others have experience and the time to post if they can be helpful, so they leave it to them...I am guilty of that as well....:(

I have never heard of any bird as "talented" as your that is like Houdini!! :) I did read your thread, but had no suggestions as my 3 birds never have attempted to play with the locks on their cages and that is why I didn't reply.


My only suggestion would be a combination lock, or perhaps put his very own "bird safe" chain and lock in his cage for him to play with. Maybe that distraction will keep him away from the one on the outside of the cage. Please keep us posted, and when you find a solution that works, let us know, so we can enhance our knowledge!

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You have an unusually talented escape artist. There have to be some things that you can do to make the bolts and such unremoveable...it is going to take some creativity to beat this. I actually find it quite amazing that Cosmo can do that. All I can say is game on and try to make it so the bolts cannot be removed...show me a photo of the hinges and I will give you ideas....but I know that there is a way.

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Rick, I'm sorry that you feel as though the site may have clicks. I feel as though it isn't "clicky" as much as like Talon says, more experienced owners/breeders may put comment forward, and then also those who are more outspoken also post, I fall into the latter group, inexperienced, but a big mouth, however, like Jill has expressed, my intentions are good, and I'm only trying to help the AG and owner. Sometimes terse answers are given due to a short amount of available time to post more, others due to a lack of typing skills (some users aren't touch typists) and it takes them a long time to be able to type answers, and then there is also sometimes a language barrier, not everyone on here has English as their mother tongue.


In any event, I must admit that when I read your initial post, I did not understand what your problem was. I didn't realize that the parrot was able to unscrew the hinges, that is amazingly smart! Nor was I really clear on the parrot being able to open those locks, or what these locks looked like. I think you have now received some good suggestions from others who have similar problems, all I am able to offer is that I purchased a King Cage and am very happy with the locks that they provided with the cage. The door latches on all the doors are round balls that I am able to screw more tightly or loosen to allow me decide how "secure" the cage is. If I screw the balls as tightly as they can go, then the locks will not open, as I loosen the screw the doors become more easy to open. I don't know if a new cage is in your budget, after feeding, providing toys, and other enrichments to my birds life, I'm broke, but perhaps this is a route you may want to consider...


Good luck!

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I have no idea how you got the idea that this site is clique-prone? I never fail to receive valuable advice and unwavering support from its members. I hope you can find your solution. I think a new cage without hinges or using many exterior padlocks would help. Greys are smart, no doubt, but YOU are smarter, and I know you can figure something out. How about posting picture of the problematic cage? Or bring a picture to the Big Box Hardware store where you will find helpful handypeople who can assist you with solutions.

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So now, you've gotten lots of answers from the *clicky* people. When I first started reading this thread I actually didn't know what was being referred to as *clicky*. You see, a man who is as old and grouchy as I am eventually forgets what certain words actually apply to. Then, I had to go down memory lane and rethink what the word *clicky* meant. I actually strained my brain trying to remember. Then, as I went back in time, I remembered those John Travolta disco days and then it all came back to me. Many of us dancers had *clicks*. Some dancers were better than others. Certain guys only hung out with other certain guys. The females did the same thing. We all wanted to win those dance contests.


Let me tell you something about boards in general and this board specifically. I'm extremely familar with boards and one of the main things that the site owners and administrators do when setting up and designing the board is that they make sure that on the main page they say that their board is the best board to come to. Since I've seen these boards in the past, I can say with certainty that they're not the best boards.


Now as far as this board, that's the one thing that never happened here. What DID happen over time as the membership grew was that the members are the ones that spread the word amongst each other that this was a great and varied type of board and the people here were in general pretty cool with each other. Many people here have nothing in common to share with certain people so those people simply don't say anything except to the people who they do have in common with.


Sometimes, subjects come up that people can't answer but that doesn't mean that people should go out of their way and post that they don't know the answer.

You have a cage problem and some anwers will simply deal with a question but the answer might not be the one you're looking. Others may have that problem and those simple answers may be satisfactory. Many people here haven't dealt with every single problem that has to do with owning a parrot. A big problem on any board is that the original thread starter doesn't fully explain the problem so answers are given to only what they read. As answers are given, the original thread starter starts adding things that should have been put in the original post. That happens here thousands of times as well as other boards. The admins here can't keep track of every question and answer. That's why administrators have others here that can help out and do that.


I'm sure that you wouldn't appreciate it if people here started saying bad things about you just because you've only posted 88 times in 2 yrs. The people here don't ever do that. They simply welcome a person back.


So, cool it with the assumptions until you know what you're talking about.

By the way, just how does one person know that other people here are in *clicks*? I really don't know how to find them. I'm not familar with what *clicks* are actually here and as I've gotten so much older and still can't find them and I can't find the *clicks*. Maybe I can groove and slip and slide into one of those *clicks*.

Edited by Dave007
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I have been here now for 3 years and there are no cliques just a wonderful bunch of people who are nuts about their greys and other birds and any one of us are more than willing to help one another when the need arises if we are able to help, just because you didn't get the responses you wanted didn't mean you were being ignored.


That being said I think you have been given a couple of good suggestions that might help to remedy your problem with your escape artist, I count myself lucky to not have your problem but you do have one smart grey so let us know if any of the ideas work for you and good luck.

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I am very happy with these forums and I am only adding here that the misspelling of "click" meant I kept thinking the author meant something about the mouse clicks and wondering if he meant we all were just clicking past his post. Ah well. Best of luck with the cage as I have no clue being rather new to birds and mine doesn't do that.

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Well, I beg to differ!!! I read your initial posting, replied to your posting with my advice and read your replies - therefore I feel I can respond to your absurd claims of "clicks" and the likes! I don't know you, I responded - in fact, I don't know anyone on here personally!!!


The reason you've received no further responses is that the thread has run out of steam! Our replies have been met with "I've done that, I've tried that" - well, perhaps we can't suggest anything else!


I must say, it is the first time I have EVER read of any bird unscrewing the hinges on the cage door - mine hasn't got hinges, so this isn't an option. Now that you have the locks, and he can't get past them, why not change your cage to a one without hinges? If this is such a major problem then this would be your only option I would have thought.


Please do not feel that there are "clicks" of any kind here - I'm the "unclickiest" person alive, so if you want to start a "click" I'll put myself forward as your first member!!! :) We are all here for one reason - for the goodness of our greys. We have members from all over the world who are able to offer kindness, advice and support - 24/7. There are some members who specialise in breeding, there are some members specialise in training, there are some members who (this is where I'm not sure where I fit in!!) but we are all here to support each other.


I'm sorry you feel you haven't achieved a "solution" - but we are all just meagre owners, like yourself!! Please feel free to post more about your grey - we'd love to hear from you (he sounds a treat!)


I apologize for my erratic remark, it wasn't aimed toward anyone. It's just that a lot of replies just mentioned that I should keep him in his cage when I'm not home. The problem was that I couldn't keep him in, everything I did to lock him in, Cosmo (that's my CAG's name) would figure out how to undo it. I'd often come home to find him out again. I was just worried about my Grey getting out of his cage and I guess people were confused with what I was asking for. No hard feelings? :) I attached a picture of one of the bolts Cosmo would unscrew on his cage door. I took it when someone asked me what the bolts looked like. I also attached a picture of Cosmo's cage, it's a 40" wide, 30" deep, 72" high at the dome presentation cage.

Cosmo helps Rick show Talon the hinges..jpg

Cosmos Cage Low1..jpg

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I apologize for my erratic remark, it wasn't aimed toward anyone. It's just that a lot of replies just mentioned that I should keep him in his cage when I'm not home. The problem was that I couldn't keep him in, everything I did to lock him in, Cosmo (that's my CAG's name) would figure out how to undo it. I'd often come home to find him out again. I was just worried about my Grey getting out of his cage and I guess people were confused with what I was asking for. No hard feelings? :) I attached a picture of one of the bolts Cosmo would unscrew on his cage door. I took it when someone asked me what the bolts looked like. I also attached a picture of Cosmo's cage, it's a 40" wide, 30" deep, 72" high at the dome presentation cage.


Have you thought about using the thread lock that I suggested in your other post on the bolts? If you do that then he will never be able to unscrew the bolts, the stuff sets really well, you can even get different strength thread lock. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Loctite-Lock-Seal-Tube-80103437/dp/B0001P0DLA

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Have you thought about using the thread lock that I suggested in your other post on the bolts? If you do that then he will never be able to unscrew the bolts, the stuff sets really well, you can even get different strength thread lock. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Loctite-Lock.../dp/B0001P0DLA


I've tried Locktite and he eventually loosened the nut anyway. (One time Cosmo broke apart a toy that was 3 sand stone blocks. I keep the parts of toys he chews up, to make new ones since parrot toys are expensive. I left one sand stone block that he didn't break apart on the bottom of his cage as a foot toy. He would pick it up with his beak and slide it up the side of his cage, which is 72 inches tall at the top of the dome, and drop it when he got to the top. I eventually took the sand stone block out of the cage because it would make a terribly loud bang when it hit the bottom. The sand stone block weighed a little over 1 pound. He's not only very smart, he's very strong) I'll check the link you've included to see if it's a different thread fastening solution.

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I've tried Locktite and he eventually loosened the nut anyway. (One time Cosmo broke apart a toy that was 3 sand stone blocks. I keep the parts of toys he chews up, to make new ones since parrot toys are expensive. I left one sand stone block that he didn't break apart on the bottom of his cage as a foot toy. He would pick it up with his beak and slide it up the side of his cage, which is 72 inches tall at the top of the dome, and drop it when he got to the top. I eventually took the sand stone block out of the cage because it would make a terribly loud bang when it hit the bottom. The sand stone block weighed a little over 1 pound. He's not only very smart, he's very strong) I'll check the link you've included to see if it's a different thread fastening solution.


You can actually get thread lock that is permanent, don't know what make it is, maybe not loctite. Anyway it's that strong that you have to be careful what you use it on as you will have a hell of a time getting the bolt undone. Any good automotive store should have a good range of different strengths.

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