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Chicken the African Grey


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Hi all, just registered :)


Just recently got an African Grey and had him 2 weeks-ish now. He's started getting used to me and just noticed that he/she does a little dance when getting stroked. I think it was them just being friendly but noticed that he/she regurgitates food when this is happening. Anyone else had this and if so is it normal or something I should worry about.


Any help appreciated thanks ^_^

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Aaaawwwww!!! The baby loves you!! Welcome to the "Greyt" Grey Forums. Your new Grey has chosen you for your Mating potential...SOP; You must not pet the baby anywhere but the head and neck. When your baby starts to do this, say "I love you. Thank you!" and walk away...This is very common so be careful where you touch your precious one. You have to let them know you are NOT available. Again, say it happily, "I love you and thank you!" and walk away. As they say, "Birds of a feather......"

Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock welcomes you!!

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Welcome Syndicate, and Chicken!? That's definitely an original and probable unique name for an african grey! Like it!

Looking forward to hearing more about you both, and maybe seeing some pics of Chicken.

Lyn & Alfie


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Hi all and thanks for the welcome ^_^ - he is 3 next month and "Chicken" was its name before we got him so stuck to it hehe we aint sure of sex cause the people we got him from didnt get him DNA's but calling him a "Him" as "It" sounds abit funny hehe


His feathers are a mess atm, they didnt cut his flight feathers they cut the whole lot in a straight line o_0 - Letting them grow thou as all our previous birds had free roam of the house (supervised ofcourse) but hopefully He'll be a happier chap than he is now cause he cant fly at all atm.


Added a pic below and have a vid on Youtube of him talking while we were out cause he seems to talk more when alone/or trying to get our attention hehe




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Welcome Syndicate and Chicken!


It's GreYt having you here.


It's always good to hear of a grey finding a new and loving home that appreciates him. It is also good to see when the new owner reaches out to a new group of Grey owners for frienship and discussions.


I loved the video and the way he dynamically interacts with the surroundings. Much of what he is saying seems to be in context with whats going on. Like the "What are you doing" as he stares at the camera direction. The "Shut Up!" after the loud dog bark etc. He also seems to use two different voices, one of a man and one of a woman.


He actually looks pretty good considering the butcher job you describe. Those feathers will all slowly molt out over time and be replaced with full and beautiful feathers.


Thanks for the great introduction and looking forward hearing and seeing a lot more from you. :)

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Well, speaking as a person who once had a rabbit named Bird (after Charlie Parker), I think Chicken is a lovely name. Welcome!


And I had a parrakeet named Kitty.


chicken is a great name. Just hope he doesn't start laying eggs daily!

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That is an unusual name for a grey but he sure is cute and loved the video, he talks very well too, he is very much in love with you in evidence of his "dance" so enjoy. Keep us updated on how he is doing and it will take quite a while for all those feathers to molt out and regrow but it will be worth it.

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