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Hello first time cag owner from NC

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I just got a cag a couple of days ago from an elderly woman that was no longer able to take care of him and man do I have my hands full lol. Not complaining but a lot to learn I also have a green cheek conure. So any advice will be helpful. Thanks

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Hi Tarheelgal, and welcome to the forum. We would like to hear a bit about your grey - name, age, background etc if that's ok.Rehoming an older bird can be a lot of work, but very satisfying for you. How is your bird coping with the transition - he must be missing his previous owner? You have most definitely come to the right place for advice - members here are very friendly and have a lot of knowlege between them!

Look forward to hearing more about you and your grey, oh, and we like pictures!!

Lyn & ALfie.


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His name is Mo Jo he is 12 years old and think he is doing pretty well considering he was with this woman from the time he was a baby. He has let me scratch his head and plays with a ball with me. She says he has always plucked his feathers will let them get grown just about back out and start again. Well today I noticed a bug looks like a flea crawling in the feathers around his feet. Of course he won't let me get that close to him but later my hubby notices while he is plucking under wing a huge scab that he has picked open so just made call to vet got an appt for tomorrow morning. He seems to have a great personality is which why I took him I didn't care if he looked like an ugly duckling so to speak. Now we will see what the vet has to say. I hope to learn much from up here I do have a gcc as well. How soon would everyone recommend me start the process of switching food he is on a very bad diet as well. My gcc eats roudy bush pellets so I know you have to do it gradually I put some in his third bowl he has but he turned his nose up to them( not surprised by that lol). Anyways thanks for all comments.

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Welcome to the Grey't Grey Forums!!! Without seeing your baby, it's possible it might have mites. I am going to refer some threads to you at the end of this that will be helpful. Going to the vet is great!! We've taken on a number of rescues...please remember they come with baggage. Take everything at your Grey's pace, be it slow or fast. Let your Grey set the pace. Always remember you must be calm around your baby. I'm recommending you read recent posts by Dave007 about aloe vera gel and juice. Don't push the feeding right now. Along with the diet he is receiving, go ahead and add a few pellets, keep fresh veggies for his choosing. After his problems are taken care of, you can worry more about his diet. Clean his cage by scrubbing down with organic apple cider vinegar. Throw away anything porous and check and clean his wood perches. I would discard rope-type toys (hiding places for bugs). Give your baby a bath. You can saturate him with distilled water with a misting bottle or take him in the shower with you if he will tolerate it.

Looking forward to hear about your recent "Love of your Life";)




Edited by Jayd
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Hi Tarheelgal, I commend you for taking on an older grey in need of a good forever home. I'm glad you have set up an appointment for MoJo to make sure he is in tiptop shape. Just to be on the cautious side, if I were in this situation, I would keep your conure away from MoJo until you get an A-Ok on your new grey. Just to be cautious. Pictures please we love to see pictures. By the way, what is your conure's name? We also have an Other Birds Room for our other feathered friends where you can tell us all about your gcc. Welcome to the Grey Family. We all look forward to hearing more about your fids!!!!

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thanks jayd I have already read both of those threads and went yesterday and bought the aloe vera juice. He got his first spray of it this morning it seemed to help some for a little while but he has started back digging the best I can describe it late afternoon. I cleaned his cage very good before it was ever bought in the house and he only had two toys in there one which was broke and I took it out everything else was scrubed down and I had already bought him some new toys when I saw he didn't have many the first time I saw him. He has fell in love with one of them already. My gcc name is cricket he was about seven when I got him.

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Hello Tarheelgal and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and MoJo.


Do realize that being in a previous home it is going to be a while before he settles in and feels comfortable so give him plenty of space and time to get used to his new home. He will learn to trust you but you must earn it but it sounds like you are doing just fine so far and you have come to the right place looking for any help and advice.


We have loads of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them when you get a chance and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can. There are many knowledgeable members here who have many, many years of experience who are willing to help you with any problems you are having so don't be shy about asking questions, we love a challenge.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of MoJo when you get the chance to share some with us.

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