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Bismark: Negative or Positive Reinforcement?


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Hey all!


Quick question:


Sometimes (and its happening with more frequency), Bismark does not want to get off my shoulder and onto his cage. His resistance has increased a lot over the past couple of weeks, to the point where he'll crawl to the middle of my back and lean as far away from my hand as he can without falling. He does nip some, but he seems to avoid it as much as he can. However, it comes to the point where I have to decide between two options: a) the towel, which he hates and squeals some when I use it (negative reinforcement) or b) put something interesting on top of his cage which he then willingly steps up onto my hand for (and i can't seem to do it fast enough for him!).


Bismark doesn't act like this most of the time, but his resistant attitude is showing up more and more. I don't know if being stern and using the towel is the best route, or distracting him with something else is the right route. Basically, I don't want to be mean if I don't have to (and I'm always very gentle and quiet when using the towel), but at the same time I don't want to be too lenient and a 'pushover.'


Thanks for your input in advance!


I only have a couple pictures this time - no videos....Finals this week and next so I'm really busy.


I took a couple pix of Bismark's new 'tree' in the living room which he loves....and loves to shred toys all over the carpet..ha....The other picture is Bismark's new way of 'helping' me clean his cage - he pulls the newspaper down from his playtop when he's not yelling at or throwing things at me...lol he's a character!




Adam + Bismark




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Hi Adam, Negative reinforcement won't lead to anything good. If he will comply when you "bribe" him, stick with that. As for the leaning back thing, Alfie does it too when she is trying to avoid stepping up. If he is biting while he's there, just do the earthquake thing - shake him off. He'll soon learn that biting is unacceptable and that it loses him his shoulder priveleges!.

Lovely pics by the way - your tree is fab!

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Brutus will do the same thing from time to time, where I would have to go into all sorts of strange body contortions to get him into his cage. Now he pretty much understands "Go to your house". When he doesn't want to go, bribery with a treat works pretty well.

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Hi Adam, it's been a while, glad to see you and Bismark. I don't let my grey on my shoulder so I don't have the removal problem. If I want her back in her cage I will use the bribery lure if need be. Love the Java tree pictures and Bismark looks smashing!!!!

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If your bird is not willingly stepping-up when it is on your shoulder and you want it off, then I would argue that the best remedy is to not let your bird on your shoulder at all. Negative reinforcement will only make matters worse and your bird will become more crafty at hanging off you where you can't get it off. Train it to be a hand bird, and just don't let it climb on your shoulder.

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It's a privilege to be on your shoulder, not a right! Always invite Bismark to step on your shoulder. From hand to shoulder and reverse, never let him fly there, always ask if Bismark would like to be on your shoulder, And like was said, a lot of "step-down" practice, a treat when he steps-up and down!!! Good job!!!! Jayd

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I sometimes have trouble getting Issac off my shoulder when it's time to leave, but that is just a game we play together, I really don't get bothered too much by it. Also, I let Issac come to my shoulder at will, which can be trying sometimes but if I place him back at his cage enough times, he gets the picture. Most of the times, I find his homing skills remarkable and I don;t mind the attention. As others have suggested, negative reinforcement will not work. Use positive, use a treat to lure him onto where you want him to go, then give it to him along with much praise when he complies with desired behavior. It will eventually yeild good results but you have to be consistant. You will eventually be able to work away from the treat and just give lavish praise. Good luck.

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