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Nail Clip - Demon Bird


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LOL....so I tried to find a method of trimming Issac's nails last night as they are ripping my hands apart. I can tell you this is not easy. I have tried to just let him stand there and let me use an emery board, tried nail clippers, a dremel...he just won't have it. I tried to wrap him in a towel and calm him with light head pets but as soon as I go for his toes he starts making noises like he is possessed. LOL. I don;t want to traumatise him either so I let him go if I think it's getting too stressful.


I haven't really minded getting the scratches on my hands but they are starting to look pretty bad so I need to do something. Any advice here...do the sand perches work? He gets away from me because I only have two hands...and I totally feel for him being upsidedown and wrapped up.

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This is something that happens with many people. You have 2 choices with a bird that acts like yours does


1---bring the bird to the vet and have them do it or

2---get 1 other person, wrap your bird in a towel, lay bird down on it's back and have legs and head exposed and proceed to clip off the tips of the claws. Not much should be clipped. Just enough to remove the point. Your bird will squawk and bite at the towel. Normal. In order to keep feet unclenched, take a small stick or thin perch and let him grab it. Afterward, put bird wherever you want and give it a treat.

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Sounds good Dave. Yeah I know only to take of the very littlest just to dull them. That is why I was hoping he would let me take the emery board approach. I really don't want to have to wrap him, but I guess it is just going to have to be. He didn't seem to hate me after wards for trying...I just have to succeed now. You really can't help but feel for him when he is 'rawk'-ing at you.

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Why don't you get a cement perch in his cage or something along those lines? Harvey's 17 months now and I've never had to trim his nails once - they are kept trim by the wood, his cage and his cement perches. No need for any intervention!

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Get a Sandy Perch Steven. I had this problem with Alfie around the same age, my hands were lacerated. But after introducing Sandy Perches her nails have never been a problem since. You get them on ebay, probably among other places.


Edited by pearllyn
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Believe me, he won't hate you. He'll sound like he hates you, swuaking, yelling, growling, but afterward when you're finished, after that little treat, he'll be yapping away as usual. He'll be friendly. Not to worry. Lots of people go throough this whole thing. Many birds just don't allow their feet or beaks to be touched. The alternatives are what I mention and that last method is relatively easy if you have another person. The whole process should last about 15 minutes. Just one thing--if you do get another person and that person happens to know how to clip better than you, then you should be the one holding the bird while he's being clipped or viosa versa. That method saves you a little money and a trip to a vet. It's up to you.

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My Brutus has an abrasive perch on his trapeeze in his cage. His nails stay pretty good. When we first got him, his nails hadn't been trimmed in a while, so we had the vet do it during his first check up. My girlfriend is a dog groomer, so she clips nails every day, but she's reluctant to trim any of our birds'.

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*I will try a sandy perch as well,** hmmm,


As has been suggested, get a concrete perch instead. They last a very long time. They come in different thicknesses and colors and shapes for different birds. Just remember that concrete or sandy perches may not work. For some birds, yes, for some birds, no but they're still good to have. For a grey. 1 to 1 1/2inches--costs about $7 to $8. Most pet stores carry them.

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Stephen, I keep a concrete perch right in front of the pellet dish. It sems to be working well on all of his talons except for the ones on his longest toe. I did have to give them the smallest of clip as Dave described, but I lucked out and was able to keep him distracted long enough to make the clipping before he knew what was happening. I still don't think he knows what I did!

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Yoshi has a cement perch located near the majority of her toys... It slowly dulls her nails but they still require a trim about once every 4 or 5 months... The breeder I got her from does it for free (if you bought the bird there) when we go visit her and see all her new babies... She also does free wing clipping and thinks Im crazy for wanting to let Yoshi become flighted as she has always clipped all her birds...

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