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Little paper soufflé cups are great for

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I use little paper soufflé cups you can buy at a restaurant warehouse like smart and final etc. I take a grape or nit put int in a 1 1/2 ounce little cup and pinch the sides. My birdies love opening up the little cup to get their surprise

I also do this with paper cupcake liners

they are entertained all day trying to find surprises

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And when Tango is finished she eats the cup-recycling "Too" style.

Tango is "Mrs. Clean", white and all...two to three times a day, she will clean out her cage. We have a plastic bird bowl and she will fill it with scraps of paper, chunks of wood, whatever she is done with and when she is done she will toss the bowl out the door onto the floor. When her bowl is full, and she has tossed it out, whatever is left in the cage is tossed out too. She has a mean under-head softball toss....

whatever she throws gets tossed halfway across the room.

About half-hour before bed-time, she does this all again. Only this time, any leftover food in the cage, bowls etc, she post-hastily throws out of the cage. Then she will sit on top of the cage and wait for you to bring her fresh food, pellets, veggies and night-time treat. She started this about two months after she came to be with us. I do a minor cleaning around 8am and then a major cleaning around 7pm. LOL


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