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Timneh or Congo


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New to the forum. Do you think the Timneh is really more laid back than the Congo? I have a change to pick one or the other from my breeder, but, just can't decide.


We have a Cape Parrot female that is amazing. I would love a Congo, but, am a little scared reading about their phobias and how hard they can be to handle.


Thank you for your experience and suggestions.



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Hi Debbie, I have a TAG and she is fearless. I totally love her and she me. She is a small little lady only weighing in at 290g. I chose a Timneh because they are smaller than a congo. That's my personal preference. The only other person she will go to on her own is my 10 year old grandson. I think it just depends on the bird and how they are socialized. So personally, I would go with the grey be it CAG or TAG that chooses you. I believe then you will both be happy. I know you will enjoy being a member of the grey forum. There are oodles of threads here on about any subject about greys you could think of. Or if you have questions, just start your own thread on the subject and see what others think or suggest. I look forward to hearing more about you and the grey you choose. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Hi Debbie, I went through the exact same dilemma when choosing my grey. I went through the net reading all sorts of info on them both, posted on forums hoping some body was going to tell me concrete which one to go for....didn't happen. I spoke to people that have both & didn't really get an answer that one was less phobic than the other, some people said yes some people said different. All the info you find tells you that the Timneh is a less phobic bird, better with families etc & that's what got me thinking about having a Timneh but must admit my thoughts had always been about having a Congo.


There must be some truth about the Timneh being a less phobic bird but I followed my heart in the end & went for a Congo (now 19 weeks old). I too had the option of either from my breeder as she breeds both but opted for the Congo in the end. My advise is go with your heart, if you would love a Congo then get a Congo :)


How many times have I said Congo?......lol


Oh & welcome to the forum.

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I had the same thoughts and dillemma as you before deciding. I was leaning towards a timneh, fell in love with a congo and it's all history now.


As a whole, the Timneh population percentage wise, does seem less phobic and a little more layed back. BUT - Theres no guarantee an individual Timneh will be. It will develope it's own personality.


My Congo is not phobic and a joy to live with....well except for the occasional bite. :P


But, a Timneh will bite just as well.


So go with your heart and also if possible, let the Grey choose you.

Edited by danmcq
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I have both a timneh and a congo. Both are the same age, females and only 2 months apart. I have found that the timneh is much more layed back regarding new things, toys, changes, etc. She seems to understand and interact more, however, my congo is scared of anything new, feels a need to be more destructive, but much more interested in the visitors that come to my house. She stays close by me, but tries very hard to befriend them. My tag isn't the least bit interested in visitors.

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I never met a TAG, but wholeheartedly agree with the others, if you have the chance to meet both, then do, and go with the bird who chooses you.

Good luck with your decision - can't wait to see your new baby!! And welcome to the Forum!!

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Only reason I picked a Congo Grey is because of that beautiful bright red tail, and I wanted a nice big Grey. I think personality wise, every bird is unique, I honestly cannot give you and opinion on a Timneh, but I am in love with my Congo.

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Everyone has given you great advice. If you have a chance, let the bird pick you. If you have a preference for some reason, go with that breed. I only have timnehs but each one is an individual- I have a couple that are quite nervous birds and scare easily and others that are more laid back. I believe to some extent it may be an inherited trait, my two that are more nervous are father and son (or daughter, this bird hasn't been DNA sexed). Just my opinion anyway. Best of luck to you in your decision!

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