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Is Joey Fledging at 3???


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To give you some background for the question; Is Joey Fledging at 3?...Joey was never allowed to fledge. He has always been clipped until we let his feathers grow out while we have had him.

When a young bird gets ready to fly, he will go on a self-imposed diet to lose weight so he can prepare to fly. Flight is the only thing on his mind...

Maggie and I have been sitting here discussing the birds and I have been commenting about the fact that Joey has cut down on the amount of food he has been eating in the morning :confused::confused:. He looks great, his poop looks good, he is eating what he eats every day but he eats a lot less in the morning. His feathers are beautiful and he talks non-stop.

Every morning after breakfast, when everything calms down, Joey makes his one to two flights. His evening feeding is normal...Maggie mentioned, "Do you think Joey might be fledging again?" "Is he re-living his puberty?":p

Today's flight was beautiful...a GREYT success for him. He flew around the normal obstacles, made a sharp right at the window, back-flapped to slow himself down and touched down lightly with no forward momentum. Boy, was he proud!:rolleyes:

So, the question is ....Is Joey fledging????...a second time?:confused::D

Jayd and Maggie




Edited by Jayd
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Thank you, refresher to all who didn't know, Joey is a rescue who was abused, he's just coming out of the closet, leaving some of his baggage behind. We know he was never allowed to fly, and his last owners kept him clipped , we never clipped him...When a baby cut's down on his feeding it's always a trying time for the paront's, they know what and why they're baby is doing this. It is our belief that Joey is going through this...Maggie

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