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Issac Update - Funny Little Story


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So if you don't already know, Issac has been getting adventurous and chewing on some forbidden things...latest being the vertical panels of my vertical blinds on my sliding glass door. Well....two can play at this game....(no I didn't start chewing on his cage toys...lol)


Over the weekend I picked up some toys...two out of three were a hit. To go on a tangent briefly, one was a mobile type toy loaded with plastic milk jug caps that come on the gallon milk jugs. OMG....he loves these to death. I need to find out where I can get like 500 of em and just keep hanging them in his cage...perfect toy.


Okay, so anyway, one toy I tried was one i was taking a chance on...hoping he would like it...it had some chewable things on it and it made noise...so I thought maybe. So i got home and tie wrapped it to an area of his cage...and hit a button on it. It began to make noise and you should have seen Issac's head turn sideways and look at it with such curiosity. So I was thinking....okay...this really has cauht his interest. But he wasn't getting up near it. So I brought him closer and he flew away like it was going to kill him. Turnes out...he is quite afraid of this new thing....I present to you....the evil toy!




Okay, so not wanting to be mean, I cut the toy off his cage and put back some older stuff so he doesn't have to be afraid.


Back to my initial problem. Issac was enjoying making me run around and get him from atop the vertical blinds...biting at them as well. While I was doing this...I saw the toy sitting on the ground where I had left it....then I got a great idea!!!




:P Land on there now buddy! LOL Yep...it worked. He did not want to land on my vertical blinds again for the night. So either he needs to get over his fear of this toy, or find his next fancy. In fact, he was pretty good. Now I know this is only temporary...but evidently, this is the kind of resourceful thinking you need when you own a Grey.

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LOL...the funniest thing is watching him see that it was there. He was on the edge of the couch looking up at it...and I could see the little gears turning. "Screw that..I am not going by that thing." And moving on to the next thing. It is sooo cute. I am sure you are right. But stay tuned..we shall see what happens next. ;)

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Harvey's favourite thing is to unhook them from the top and drop them to the floor. I can't leave him for a moment in the conservatory before he's on the top of the rail - liberating the slats! The look on his face is priceless - he thinks he's doing me a favour!!!

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Ohh yes, Issac was liberating the slats as well. Which wasn't quite as bad as taking a chunk out of the tops of two of them. But like you say, the way they look at you after like, "Hey...look what I did, aren't I good?"

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OH my goodness, That really is a great idea! I dont know why I didnt think of that! Because I too got an infant toy for calypso at one time, It was even smaller than yours...It was an Elmo phone that you could push the buttons and it would make noises...Well she was soooooooo god aweful afraid of it, Everytime I would come near her with it she would growl and let out a shriek that should be recorded and replayed in a horror movie. It was horrible! I tried the leaving it near her cage so she would get use to seeing it, then try to move it closer....HA, Yeah right....She NEVER forgot how horrible this toy was, and to this day she will still shriek in ultimate horror if she see's it. And that was like 6 months ago. So I think your idea will work awesomely!

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