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Hanging Around!


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I've watched in awe the videos of all these parrots hanging upside down and swinging on things, but Harvey's never done it.......until recently! He started swinging off the hanging things on his java tree and then started hanging upside down, having a whale of a time.


This progressed last week to him swinging upside down from my fingers - I can carry him through the house!


But last night was the STRANGEST! Whilst he was hanging upside down I decided to sit down. He didn't budge and I rested him, on his back, in my lap! I have seen so many parrots do this, but never thought it would be something Harvey would do! As he got more "confident" I could feel him loosening his grip on my fingers (although he never let go) and he laid his head back in my lap. He stayed there for a good three or four minutes!


Like I said, he wouldn't leave go of my fingers, he was still holding them as if to say "I'm still in charge, I'm hanging upside down", but it was just so lovely the way he lay there :)

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It's so funny to see a grey hanging upside down like a bat isn't it? Murphy has just started to explore the roof of his cage so only a matter of time before the comedy starts.


The lying on the back thing is something I've been having some success with, I have been able to put Murphy in the palm of my hand & gradually get him to let go of my fingers. I then talk softly to him while massaging the back if his head & give him a tickle, that way he associates it with something nice like a tickle. I can get him to lie in the palm of my hand for about 15 seconds before he grabs my fingers, over time this will get longer. I think it shows ultimate trust from them to let you do this is they are very vulnerable in this position. I try & have practise holds in all sorts of different ways so that I can pretty much do anything with him without getting bitten (I'm still getting bitten a little, especially with every new hold). It will help in the future if I ever have to hold him a certain way for say a vet visit or nail trimming etc.

Edited by reggieroo
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Aah Jill that's great! Like Paul says, it's a trust thing. I think it's a huge compliment that they feel safe enough in our hands, as it were, to surrender themselves to us in this way. Harvey sounds as if he's really coming into his own of late. Thanks for sharing this lovely little tale.

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It is funny how at some point or another, all greys enjoys a good swing upsidedown. Issac loves to do this from the sleeve of my flannel pajama shirt, he's always getting upsidedown when playing on his toys. I say, "Bat Bird" and do the bat man music when I see him do it. Gotta love 'em.

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