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I start my new job tomorrow


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Kate has finished her maternity leave & is back at work tomorrow :(


My new job starts tomorrow as stay at home Dad & house husband :eek:


I've been getting off lightly up until now. It will be a big change for all of us tomorrow. I'll be looking after Murphy, my daughter Ella-Rose & running the house..........help, us men can't multitask :rolleyes:

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Yay! All that means is you'll be asking us girls here how to stay on the forum while you have a bird on your shoulder, a baby in your arms, spit up all over you, laundry to do food to clean up and cook, etc...:) Oh, this is going to be fun......pics please!!


Seriously though, this will be the best time of your life with your baby. Enjoy every minute, they grow up in a blink of an eye. My 4 babies are now 21, 17, 15, 11...:(

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Whew Paul! I'm glad it's you and not me buddy! LOL! Sorry, I'll just support you from a distance, I can barely handle the Grey, the thought of adding a baby and house chores in to the mix, I'm overwhelmed already! Your a stronger man than me!!! Good for you!

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Just don't go doing what my dad did one year when my mam went Christmas shopping and left him with me (7 years old) and my sister (5 years old). He is not known for his culinary excellence (he could burn water) and managed to cook me and my sister some soup for lunch (tinned of course). To our horror (even at 7 and 5) my dad served us this lovely soup IN THE DOG'S PLASTIC BOWLS!!!! Tupperware was all the rage in 1981 - but not to share between your kids and dog!!!


Make sure you have Kate on speed dial - you're a bloke - you'll never cope!!! :)

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Well I ordered the extra set of eyes & another pair of hands from ebay & they arrived this morning so it's all good :P


So far I have managed to feed Ella-Rose, Murphy & myself with breakfast, change a nappy, process my orders on my website, answer some emails, make a pot of tea & get bitten by Murphy..........these extra pair of hands have came in handy :rolleyes:


Oh I've just realised that is only about 5% of what I have to do today:eek:


Have a shower, walk the dog, clean the cage, dress my Daughter, change another nappy etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...........................Oh & have some fun!


I'm sure I'll be fine, after all I'm a 21st century man.

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  reggieroo said:
Well I ordered the extra set of eyes & another pair of hands from ebay & they arrived this morning so it's all good :P



Wow - that was superfast delivery!! But hey - you must be skiving!! You have all those chores to do and you still have time to come and chat??!!! Oops - that's the pot calling the kettle I think. Never mind - however you get the job done - it can't be all work and no play, eh!!

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Well just got time to sit down at the PC & have a cup of.........."DAM my pot of tea will be cold" :(


Got about 10 mins before I have to get lunch ready.........where has the morning gone, I was up at 7.30am & feels like I haven't done hardly anything, I've only just had a shower :eek:

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Oh you will cope. Just remember what time Kate gets home and make sure the place is tidy.Have a meal ready the baby bathed and fed and changed,The grey happy and entertained, the washing done, the dishes washed , the bathroom clean and the vacume put away, the shopping done and the ironing.Oh and dont forget to clean the bird poop up lol

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Doing good so far, baby fed changed & now having her afternoon nap. Took the time to scoot round with our new handheld & give the place a tidy. Murphy is now stuffing his face very quietly & Ella-Rose is fast asleep :) Peace!


I can now have an hour to myself. All I can say is well done Kate (my Fiancee) for doing such a good job this last 6 months, it's not easy. Also much respect to all the ladies who have done this for years.


Oh.........that hour I just mentioned............no so, Ella-Rose just woke up :rolleyes:


See ya!

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  JillyBeanz said:
I'd say well done to Paul, but here in the UK it's 7.12pm and he's likely to be in bed after such a hectic day!! Oh well, never mind, he's clearly survived today - there's always tomorrow!!!! :)


Nope I'm still up at 9.57pm, I'm hardcore :P

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Jeez! I'm exhausted just reading about it. I just cooked some chicken, folded laundry, and did a quick steam clean on the hardwood around the cage and I'm pooped! I admire you, and yes, the female members of this forum are all multi-talented, they'll give you home advice if you need it!

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I'm exhausted too, I'm what you call a night owl & didn't go to bed till 1.30am & that was early for me but my daughter.........well after Kate went to work at 7.30am this morning Ella-Rose wanted her breakfast bless her. I'd normally be getting up about now (9.30am) having 8 hours sleep, how I'm I meant to multi task with only 6 hours sleep...........? :eek:

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