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Issac Week 24


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Well well well...my baby is certainly putting on a show of power this week. Among still being a sweet little character and making me laugh at the things he does. Issac pushed me to my limit this last week. I made the mistake of hugging a friend that came over to hy house while Issac was on my shoulder. He launched at me and bit my face...ouch. He was also growling and puffing up when she first arrived too, but later he calmed down.


Lesson #1: When the person hasn't been over and your Grey may not be comfortable, do not hug with your grey on your shoulder.


The other things he started doing to a degree I had not been accustomed to, was getting into things he shouldn't. He was going for my drink glass, the the keyboard I have stashed where i thought he would not get it, flying to my refirgerator door to attack the seal the second I open it, and the very latest and greatest as of two nights ago, landing on my sliding door vertical blinds and destrying the vertical slats that hang. 'I do not own those Issac, please no'. So last night i try to cover them with bed sheets along the top that hang down so he can't get to the vinyl vertical blinds, he found a way to remove the bed sheet. I replaced it again like 3 times to no avail. This one is going to take some engineering to figure out how to block that and keep the blinds still functional. Any idea are helpful. Somethings you just can't move away from curious Issac.


Lesson #2: It is fun for the bird to see you reacting to every bad little thing you do.


Last night I ran out of Issacs formula and the pet stores were closed, so for the morning i prepared to give him a bit of pasta with red palm oil and his veggie rations. As I thought, he did not miss the morning feeding at all. He happily munched his whole grain pasta and palm oil...he really loves that stuff! It is good to know that he could go all solid food, but i still like the piece of mind of knowing i can give him his nutrition by way of formula. So as long as he likes it, I shall let him have it.


He had a good 8-9 hours of out-time on saturday. I also brought some new toys home to him due to the fact that he seemed to want to tear apart my apartment. I can tell you that helps curb his adventurism for about an hour. LOL. The rest of my place is just far too exciting. So, I get a lot of exercise. I did get him this mobile with a bunch of milk caps attached to it.....HUGE hit! He loves it when he finds one of these caps to mutilate...now he has a mobile with like 15 of them on it....PARTY TIME. I put that in his cage this morning for the work day, and he went to that immediately. However, I know I will be tested when I let him out later again.


Lesson #3: Bird toys are not your bird's favorite toy. YOU ARE!!! That's right, you are his plaything. Make the human get up, make him say 'no'. Hello...look at me....look at me (chew chew).


In the end, he is far too adoreable to get upset with, but he can take me to my wits end sometimes. Sunday morning he was all cuddly and askin for tons of head scratches and just making the cutest little baby sounds ever. I miss him already and I have only been at work for 4 hours. All they have to do is look at you the right way or make a cute sound and you get all soft. Coming up on his 6th month mark in a couple weeks here. Growing boy. :)



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Haha, And the sweet baby days fade away...And they get adventurous haha....No I am just kidding, Calypso is 14 months and still sweet as when she was 4 weeks, JUST more curious and playful...She is right next to a window with white large slatted blinds (you can see in some of her videos) And there was nothing I could do to keep her from chewing them, SO What I did was this......I gave up....And let her get it out of her system, and she has now moved on and could care less about them. I guess it wasnt fun to her anymore when it was the "forbidden fruit" I guess you could call it....They are tore up really bad, But I figured they are not THAT expensive and when she is good and VERY done with them I will get some new ones. But now if it was something I couldnt afford to replace it would be a bit differant lol In that case I am not very sure what I would do!

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Yeah....I looked up the cost of the vertical vinyl panels...and they weren't much more than your average bird toy to replace 6 of em I think. But if you will see my 'Issac Update' thread...you will find i have found a clever solution.

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GreYt weekly update. They do find a lot of joy in getting us to react (which of course we do). Wait until he finds it fun to fly right in to your face or around and bite the back of the neck. I must admit though, my reflexes have become quick as lightening. :P

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Wait until he finds it fun to fly right in to your face or around and bite the back of the neck. I must admit though, my reflexes have become quick as lightening. :P


Murphy did that to me yesteday & just missed me face as I seen him at the last minute :eek:

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Issac does do this thing where he is flying...and it is like straight to my face...and in my head I am like, 'Okay...bank left or right...left or right....LEFT OR RIGHT...what's it gonna be???' Until hi just flys over my head to the next destination. Sometimes he will even give a squack in passing. I actually find it kind of funny. Sometimes it seems he has lightening reflexes and I can lean my head to one side and he will take the opposite shoulder. Man what a character.

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