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Hey everyone, just found the forum seems a great community so i decided to join :D


Well my names Billy am 18 and my CAG is Vinnie who is 15 weeks old. He is my second bird as my Nan left me Harvey an Indian ring neck parakeet who unfortunately died a year ago...


Vinnie has brought me so much joy in these last few weeks and i look forward to many more years with him... The only problem am having with him is he hates everyone apart from me and my step dad cant com within 3 feet of him or he goes crazy!


P.S As i just finished typing this a nice chunk of poo came sliding down the screen as vinnie loves to perch ontop of my laptop. :P







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Hi Billy and welcome to our family. You are indeed correct - we are a great community, with members from all four corners of the globe. There's always someone around 24/7 (time differences allowing) who will be here to help with any questions that you have, or give advice about anything you need. As you will read from the theads, greys do tend to choose one person to be their "special" friend. At 15 weeks though, this is very young for them to choose. I suggest that you socialise him with as many people as possible - you do then have more chance of him being multiple person friendly (although I failed, Harvey tolerates others, but is principally my bird)!


They are great pictures of Vinnie, and I look forward to hearing more about you both ~ once again, welcome - I'm sure you'll enjoy it here x

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Hi Billy and Vinnie, welcome! It's nice to have you join us. The users of this site are very helpful, and friendly. I'm sure you will find it to be as good of an asset as I have. I have similar issues in that my parrot is quite nasty to anyone other than me. He's 11 months, but I'm trying still. I don't know if your bird is flighted or clipped, but you can put them on the floor to have someone else ask them to step-up with the least amount of aggression. Keep in mind that this is a stressful place to be (the floor), so many parrots will climb onto any hand that is offered, if he is flighted, then it may be harder to keep him from just taking off. Once somone else has the bird on their hand, just have them offer small foot toys that Vinnie can choose from their hand, hopefully this helps him socialize a bit better. Good luck!

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Hello Billy and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Vinnie.


So sorry to hear about the loss of your ringneck, I could imagine it brought you many years of enjoyment.


My grey really only likes me but she is getting more tolerant of my hubby but I remain the only one who can handle her, she was not socialized very much for we don't have a lot of people come to our house but she gets out with me occasionally on trips and to work where they enjoy seeing her. But some greys just do not like but one person but give him time for he is just a baby yet, maybe it will take more time for him to warm up to your dad.


Loved the poop story, thats why Josey is not allowed to sit on my computer monitor, its bad enough to have to clean up the floor and such but my computer is mine and no birds allowed.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru as many as you can and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing some pictures of Vinnie with us, he sure is a cutie.

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