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Im now birdless


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I just thought that I would let you know that I am now birdless :( After having my bird for a little over a week it has come to light after many phone calls and tears that the bird that I was sold was actually someone elses bird and not for sale at all. . . .

I have no idea how this happened and also I presume that it was an accident.

The bird was actually older then I was told (this may explain the bites that were harder then I expected) although not hard enough to break the skin. The bird actually belonged to a man which is probably why he didnt like me at all really and growled and eventually just about tolerated me no matter what I did for him it never made him come round.

Apparently the bird was on holiday so I have been told and unfortunatly the bird that was meant to be mine (the real baby one has since been sold) so I was given a full refund and now I have a cage, toys, food, stand and a very quiet house as I have no bird.

So I must start my hunt for a bird again. This time I think I will go to a private breeder who has baby birds as a hobby.

If anyone may know of a baby that is avaliable I have money and a loving home waiting. I am in surrey but dont mind travelling for the right baby

Thank You for all your help and with welcoming me here. Sorry I have been a bit quiet recently and not posting as much as I would like to of but I have been dealing with heart break and so much more. It is amazing how attached you can get to a bird in just a little over a week even if he didnt like me

X a very heartbroken lady x

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Guest Lidia

Well, that is sad, but all for the best. How did a bird that was vacationing come to be sold? I hope the person that sold it is in trouble with the police, he certainly should be!


Don't be too heartbroken. You have all the equipment and you can take your time to find a bird that really suits you. Get one that is already weaned, though. Nothing younger than about sixteen weeks old, so you don't have to do the hand-feeding, etc, which is tricky.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/08 17:30

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I am so sorry, Nooey, even though he did not like you, you were determined to love and nurture him into a friend at least. But now you can concentrate on getting you a baby, which is better in the long run, I think you will be more satisfied.


I know you are suffering from a broken heart, but it will heal, you have us for sympathy, we will help you thru it until you can get another one. Hang in there and keep us informed as to what you do and what you find out about another grey.


Keep your chin up, another grey baby is out there just waiting for you, have faith.

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Thank You Lidia and Judygram

I know it was for the best and also he is now reunited with his (real) owner.

It was a huge mistake someone had put them to bed in the wrong cages and the strangest thing is that I visited him 3 times before visiting for a 4th time and spending about 4 hours there before taking him home.

No wonder he didnt like me he had a name and a family already bless him (now at least I know it isnt personal and I really dont blame him in the least.

I know what you are saying and yes my heart will mend he had such an impact me on the short time that we spent together that I know for sure that having a grey join my family is what I really really want now

Again Thank You and I will still be around in between time posting and reading the posts here


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Nooey, What a terrible mistake. I'm so sorry for your heartache. Everything happens for a reason, and you were just meant to be the owner of a different bird. You will come to see that in the end, when your baby comes home and loves you just as much as you will love it. Good luck to you, and please don't stop posting just because you are in between birds. We enjoy you very much here. :cheer: :cheer:

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Nooey, that's so sad.. Of course you can get attached to a bird (or other animal) in a week. Especially if you think he's going to be with you forever. :(


Still, I think being that he's back to where he belongs will make it easier for you to accept another bird in your heart.


Let us know how you're proceeding in finding a breeder.


Could this Please Click Here be of any help?

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THANK YOU EVERYONE for your lovely posts I am going this evening (that was fast wasnt it) :) to meet some babies that aren't quite ready yet. One will be ready about this weekend, two more in a week or so and another two in about 3-4 weeks. I wont just pick the one that is ready this weekend because it is less time to wait (I will pick the one that picks me too). . . . I cant wait to go and see them some of them have extra red feathers on them (I think that they are called King greys) but Im not sure about that but anyways they are hand reared in a home by a lady and gentleman we have had a long chat this evening and I have told him what has happened to me recently and he said when would you like to come and see the babies I said soon as possible he said how about tonight then? WOO HOO I was expecting to be told this weekend or something like that so I am just about to gobble down my tea and then I am off towards the sea.

I'll take some pictures of the red feathered ones and post them later if you like? and also I will let you know how we got on

Once again THANK YOU SO SO MUCH love nooeyxx {Feel-good-00020114}

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You are following destiny Nooey!


Yes, let the Grey pick you. I say this, because that's what we did. We went and visited the Greys 4 weekends in a row before we decided on Dayo.


Everytime we were there He came to us and after viewing photos we took each visit, if he wasn't with one of us, He was right by our side. :-)


Dayo has been the perfect Boy since we got him. He would literally run and follow us if we walk away from him from Day one.


He has never even beaked us stronger than just feeling a little pressure to ensure the hand coming up under him was a solid, trustworthy perch.


I know your already off to go see the Babies....


Please give us the low-down and Photos...we are as excited for you, as you are :woohoo:

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It started out as a sad post but it has turned into something wonderful, she may not be birdless for long. She was in a dark cloud and now the sun is shining and all is well, she sees now that things happen for a purpose and she was meant to have a baby grey and so she shall. I am so happy for her I could cry.

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Guest briansmum

hey nooey? surrey, england, uk? have you tried www.babygreys.co.uk it's in hull but he encourages visits and will travel to deliver etc... his babies are DNA sexed and you get a hatch certificate. i'm glad you have a cage though cos i wouldn't reccomend buying the one he offers.

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