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Grey intelligence?


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At what age does the grey really start to shine with the amazing level of intelligence that I read & heard about & also seen in the famous Alex the grey.


I've read that they have the intelligence of a 5 year old & the emotional intelligence of two year old.


At what age will Murphy (19 weeks old at present) reach these levels of intelligence?

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It all depends on the individual bird. The average age for a Grey to start talking is 12 months,some sooner some later. Alex was an exceptional bird and I doubt any of our Grey's will reach his abilities but one thing for sure,as Murphy gets older he will continually astound you with his antics and intelligence and his powers of manipulation,they can train US very easily.lol

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Ana Grey is now 21 months old and has started to talk more and change things around. She also gets into more things that she never even thought about before. As Sheila said it all depends on the grey and the socialization involved some sooner some later. I look forward to Ana Grey's evolving personality!

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Issac is just 5 weeks or so ahead of Murphy, and right around 19 weeks, I noticed a decline in new activities or new sounds and such. Just this last week though, I noticed him picking up new noises and such...he makes attempts at vocalizations...even occasionally seems to be saying 'hello' in his own birdie voice. It comes in waves, nothing for a litte bit, then whoa what's going on with my bird. I have come to enjoy my morning showers, I perch Issac on the shower curtain rod and he goes through every sound he can do. And I talk to him saying things I want him to say inthe future. I imagine that one day he will be sitting up there and all these crazy little noises will start to form words. But he is still under 6 months so I don't really expect to hear much beyond that for a while. As far as being smart....ohh you just wait. Wait till he has you out of your chair at his whim...that is all I am gonna say...you'll figure out what is going on soon enough and ask yourself who is in control. ;)

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They all develop at different rates, so answering the question, when will Murphy reach a certain level, is just about impossible I think. Certainly, the more time and effort you spend with him, the quicker he will pick things up. Alfie started to talk just over 6 months, but training her to do stuff was a little more difficult due to her non-existant attention span!! But as the others have said, our birds constantly amaze us, whatever their age and level of acheivment. Jillybeanz posted a thread just today about Harvey putting in a cheeky little word right in context, and not too long ago Danmcq posted an astounding thread about a 2 yo grey named chaucer.


there are many amazing greys on this forum, we constantly hear of their achievments and antics, and I believe many of them, whom we hear of regularly, range between the ages of 2 and 5 years old, so if Murphy isn't already, you haven't long to wait before he is knocking your socks of with his abilities!

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It wasn't really the speaking I was thinking about, well I don't know what I was thinking about exactly! When they can understand things in an intelligent way I suppose. I just imagine him at the moment to understand things in a baby way kinda like my 6 month old daughter does & was wondering when he will really start to develop mentally.

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It wasn't really the speaking I was thinking about, well I don't know what I was thinking about exactly! When they can understand things in an intelligent way I suppose. I just imagine him at the moment to understand things in a baby way kinda like my 6 month old daughter does & was wondering when he will really start to develop mentally.


You have to just watch them...they are intelligently picking things up like little sponges. Especially when you are focused on what ever it is you are doing. Talk to them, read them books (I read Issac childrens books sometimes). They listen and all the while, they are picking things up. Treat them like you would a child. Show them things and tell them what they are...repeat. These are amazingly smart little guys. You just need a little more time with your baby. I can tell you, at 24 weeks, Issac is pretty smart about asking for feedings and knowing what I mean when I say, "Want noodles" or "Wanna eat?"...he has known what those things meant for a long time now. Say goodnight at night and good morning when they wake. Teach them...they will learn.

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