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When is it too hot?


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Now that the summer months are coming, I wonder how much heat is tolerable to a CAG?


I know they're from Africa, but they also get to fly there, and there may well be a breeze to keep things comfortable. While I'm at work, Morgan is in his cage. Can he take up to 90 degrees in the house (ie with no breeze)? Should I set up some sort of a fan? Would an ocillating fan, say 20 feet away, be helpful?


Gosh, I can't believe how I worry about him. I expect my dogs to just deal with things, but how I worry about Morgan!

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90 degrees is much too hot for any parrot that lives in a house. Even 75 is too high because the air is dry and can cause very dry skin. The ideal temp is between 67/68 to 71/72. Almost all parrots function more normally in cool temps. They even like to bathe in cold water. Those temp numbers can slightly vary. I really don't know if a fan is gonna help you because you'd be blowing the hot air all around. You'd better off with a small air conditioner. In the wild almost all parrots and other birds seek out the coolness that's located in trees that have large canapies. That's why even the wild tiny birds in a backyard disapper aroung 12PM and don't return until about 4 PM

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Dave is right on. Remember, they are near the equator. That doesn't mean its hotter. It actually means that the day length doesn't vary much nor does the average daily temperature. So all year long they get roughly 12 hours of night and stay around 82 degrees (farenheit).

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