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The Dawn Chorus


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Today was International Dawn Chorus day. We got up at 3.30am yesterday to have a listen. Here is a wee vid for those of you who like a lie in but would still enjoy the birdsong!!

I would love to take Alfie along, but it was a little before her rise and shine time!!!


Lyn & Alfie


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I hear the same thing in the morning as I live in the country, in Summer when the windows are open it can be quite early in the morning. I had a friend stay once & he complained that he couldn't sleep because of the noise but could sleep with the sound of cars & trucks in the city :confused: I know which I prefer by a long shot! It's nice to sit in the garden & just listen to the birds sometimes, gives my ipod a break........lol

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Great video Lyn - around the same time, not too many miles away, I was being awoken by seagulls (with the odd blackbird, magpie and sparrow being thrown in)!!


The video is so tranquil - thank you so much for dragging yourself out of your bed so early so that you could share it with us x

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do too Sheila, but like Jill, the only chorus we get here are Seagulls, with starlings and sparrows on backing vocals! Thank goodness I have the horse field to go to for my daily "nature" fix! There's nothing like starting the day with birdsong to get you off on the right track!

Glad you all enjoyed it - it was sooooo worth getting up in the middle of the night!!!

Edited by pearllyn
spelling mistake
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