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My new baby African Grey


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Make sure you are clicking on "manage attachments" (little paperclip icon) not "insert image". Insert image will only work for an image hosted elsewhere on the web. :)


Insert image is the correct one to use, I use it all the time to upload photos from my computer (not hosted on the web) on here all the time. I rarely use photobucket because I can't be bothered to upload to it first. The little paperclip icon is to manage images you have already uploaded although you can still add files from your computer using that as well.

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Hi Laker - It's now 16 days since you first posted, so if the baby was three weeks old then, it is nearly six weeks old now - I am concerned that his eyes aren't fully opened.


I know you had this problem about his leg - did you visit a vet? I'm interested in what age the vet placed him at because from your initial post he should be about 37 days old - what was said by the vet at your visit? Can't wait to find out how he is doing x

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Hi, if you haven't done it, go to settings, General settings,

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  • Try that first!
  • Jayd

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the picture thing still doesnt work.


By the way, i found out from the breeder, that since she didnt have good english, when she said 3 weeks, she meant 3 days. That was the reason he was only a couple of inches long. after finding this out, i know that he is now 22 days old. his eyes are almost all the way open, but he can can see now.

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the picture thing still doesnt work.


By the way, i found out from the breeder, that since she didnt have good english, when she said 3 weeks, she meant 3 days. That was the reason he was only a couple of inches long. after finding this out, i know that he is now 22 days old. his eyes are almost all the way open, but he can can see now.

DOES ANY ONE HERE except a few people know how hard it is to feed a 3 day old baby? See if you can get some photo;s for us, Thanks Jayd
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i have some pics of the day after i got him, but i need to find out how to post them. my "insert image" wont work. if i can figure out how to post them, i will. i have a lot of pics of him. i really dont want to go through the hassle of using photobucket.

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Photobucket is easy to be honest, set up an account in minutes, upload some photos, copy & paste the code on your post here & job done! If you can't use the feature on here to upload your photos then photobucket is the only way I know of.

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i have some pics of the day after i got him, but i need to find out how to post them. my "insert image" wont work. if i can figure out how to post them, i will. i have a lot of pics of him. i really dont want to go through the hassle of using photobucket.


Hi Laker - you've managed to upload a picture for your avatar - why are you finding it so difficult to upload a picture of the thing we are most interested in - this baby of yours who is in need!!


I work with people from all over the world, whose English isn't their first language, and they can all differentiate between three DAYS and three WEEKS. Surely they had to "advertise" these babies in order that you could come to own one?


I quote your first post:


"Before you guys say anything, the reason I got one so young is because my grandfather, who I live with, has a lot of experience and has handraised several very young birds"


I personally do not have ANY experience of chicks - but I think I would know the difference between a three DAY chick and a three WEEK chick - did this very experienced grandfather of yours not twig that perhaps this wasn't more than a "newly hatched embryo".


I tell you what - PM me and I will send you my email address - you can attach your photos to that, and since I have no problem displaying photos I shall post them for you - we all want to see this bird!

  • Haha 1
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i have some pics of the day after i got him, but i need to find out how to post them. my "insert image" wont work. if i can figure out how to post them, i will. i have a lot of pics of him. i really dont want to go through the hassle of using photobucket.


Photobucket is incredibly fast and easy to upload any photo you have.....seems to be some doubt here as to the legitimacy of your thread here since the beginning......:(


There are many caring members here only looking out for your best interest and that of your bird.......please don't take advantage of these GOOD people...

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well I don't know about feeding a 3 day old chick ( I couldn't even imagine the difficulty and skill that must take!) I was terrified trying to feed a 2 week old chick!! I can't imagine someone being so naive to sell a poor poor baby that young :(


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Oooh - just a quick other thing - do you work or go to school - I'm just wondering who is dealing with the feeds while you're not available? If you're a young lad (which I guess you are just in your teens?) - I'm sure there's other things you'd like to be doing!!! Jill x

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Talon, if you dont want to believe me, then dont. i know everyone else here does.


@jillybeanz, i go to school, when i am at school, my grandpa takes care of the bird. also, i got my image for my avatar from google images, not from a camera

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Talon, if you dont want to believe me, then dont. i know everyone else here does.

There is a number of us here who question the validity of your claim, yet we keep offering our help. You've answered none of my questions, could you please answer them? Talon is one of the most helpful people you'd ever want to meet, this isn't the first time you've made a comment about one of these good people! Take Jilly up on her offer, let her help, please. Last year I lost 3, 2-4 day old,s, died in my hands...Jayd

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@jillybeanz, i go to school, when i am at school, my grandpa takes care of the bird. also, i got my image for my avatar from google images, not from a camera

Question, Since the baby's fed 24/7 who doe's graveyard? Due you each due 12hr's? Jayd

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There is a number of us here who question the validity of your claim, yet we keep offering our help. You've answered none of my questions, could you please answer them? Talon is one of the most helpful people you'd ever want to meet, this isn't the first time you've made a comment about one of these good people! Take Jilly up on her offer, let her help, please. Last year I lost 3, 2-4 day old,s, died in my hands...Jayd


The offer hasn't been taken up - therefore I am publicly going to make a statement. It's not only Talon (our esteemed moderator) who is questioning the validity of this post. I now throw my hat in to query it too. There are too many contradictions, you haven't posted pictures when asked to (which would have aged your baby immediately had you taken Jay & Dave up on their offers of ageing the chick).


Amigo means "male friend" in Spanish - we were all trying to be yours - but it seems to no avail!!! :)


Also - the claims that you can't load pictures I have remedied, but 12 hours later you still haven't PMd me for my email address to assist in the task you are finding so difficult. If I were in the quandry you are *supposedly* in, then I would have taken me up on my offer - but you haven't. You seem to dodge the questions that would help catch you out too - blatantly ignoriing them.


Therefore, reviewing this whole posting, I don't particularly believe you either. You are wasting a lot of good people's time here, when they could be helping others genuinely in need. Go on, prove me wrong (and don't just upload a picture of a three week old chick from google pictures or somewhere else to validify your claim, we can tell - we, as moderators, see things that you don't see when you post things!!


So, come on, fess up or prove me wrong - I don't mind being the fall guy here - and I will certainly admit publicly I am wrong, should you prove me to be. :)

Edited by JillyBeanz
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What a sad thread this is turning out to be. It really makes my heart to sink to think that this

a) might be a hoax - most of the people on this forum are decent, genuine folk who really care for these birds and it's not fair to be causing this sort of concern for no reason other than a cheap thrill, and

b) this might not be a hoax, and there is acutally a vulnerable little baby out there who very possibly might not be getting the care he needs.

Laker, you've been offered help here, regarding the age and leg issue of your baby, and yet you are not taking it - all it takes is a photo to put these questions out of the way, and yet you "can't be bothered" to use photobucket - a 5 minute job. Here's hoping you can be bothered to take him to the vet - he must be due a visit now. Jillybeanz has raised some valid questions - did Grandad not realise this was a 3 day old chick rather than a 3 week old?

I really really hope this thread has a happy ending.

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You all know who you are, I needn't mention names. I want to personally Thank you all for your care and concern here. Although many of us believed from the beginning that this was a hoax, you found it in your hearts to try and help just in case there really was a baby in need of help. Your love for all feathered friends overtook you as I would have expected from such wonderful people that are part of our family. You pushed your doubts and anger for such a thread aside, and did everything in your power to try and help just in case....I am SO VERY PROUD of the family we have here...my heart is beaming with pride. Thank you for all the time that you have put into this troll, I am sorry he wasted your time. I believe if there really was a baby, he would have jumped at the chance to get all the advice and help that was unselfishly offered. I believe his day will come, what goes around comes around......Thank you for being the kind of members you are, and I know you will continue to offer the same help to every bird we are lucky enough to have join our family. :)


Lots of love to you all,

Penny :)


I will leave this thread open for a few hours, then I am locking it. The only purpose it has served, is to show what wonderful members we have, and how you treat EVERYONE with respect & dignity.

Edited by Talon
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Who knows, maybe it was my fault because of my beginning replies which I fed into this thread. I was really pissed off. I truly was concerned when I heard certain descriptions of situations concerning this baby bird. I saw that it just didn't add up. I got very blunt and stated my opinion of the creep/breeder that sold this bird. * it's not the answer I was looking for so keep your comments to yourself*. As time progressed, more and more information surfaced which was scarier than the previous replies. I don't pull punches where parrots are concerned. The knowledgeable people came up to the plate and offered what they could. It's difficult to do things just by the written word so I always play it safe. So many others did the same thing. Concerning this person, I was told that my comments were the wrong ones. Personally, I don't feel like they were wrong but that's my opinion. I never asked for anyone to side with me. That was up to those people. I really don't care about what people think of me when I post certain replies. I said what I said, backed off and simply asked for pictures.ALL I WANTED WAS PICTURES but I couldn't get them. This person was given one of the simplest methods of posting on a well known site which many use here. * I don't wanna use Photobucket* . Only after loads of replies were entered, was info filtered in that this particular bird might have been in serious trouble. *3 days as opposed to 3 weeks*. * that since she didn't have good English * Her language wasn't a problem. It was your stupidity and ignorance that was the problem That's bullshit but what it told me was that my description from day one was correct. Others posted the same thing. People kept asking for updates. It was like pulling teeth. People suggested a vet visit. No reply. I put in a picture with an approx age of 3 week old birds. No reply. People asked if the bird was dead or alive. No reply. It was left to other people to guess about things. Over and over, people asked for replies concerning what was going on. No reply. No one walked away from you.

""Its okay, I understand. You don't get threads like this every day. Yes, it is my first grey, """"

Really? And just how do you know this?

Let me tell you something about how knowlegable people here act, There's another person on this board who has a similar problem like yours even though her birds are a little older. She really doesn't know the fine points of what to do so she comes her, gives daily updates and is being well guided by a person named Jayd. Then there's another person here named Dave and me who is also named Dave. Well, Dave and I , without speaking to each other knew that it would be a bad idea to throw out different methods of doing things because we knew that only one method, be it our methods or not, were being used and the person named Jayd is sticking to it and success has happened. Listen buddy, don't assume that others here don't come across serious problems here. You're just too damn lazy to read past posts. You were offered help and you shit on these people who did these things simply because they had good hearts and deep concerns for your bird and your possible lack of knowledge and YOU did prove that you had little knowledge.

So now, you pissed off the administrator big time. She doesn't usually get involved in lots of things but this time she feels that's it time to stop trying to beg out information from you. She wants to do something that's not done very often because many people feel that they're wasting their time.

BUT, now it all falls into place. We were dealing with a kid who's basically a twerp.

So, I too wanna thank the people who put forth effort and time and caring in this 10 page thread.


Hey twerp, let me tell you something----this Nursery Section is my section and I could of wiped this whole thread out a long time ago but I was just being * polite* because that's not the way I do things but I can understand the administrator wanting to do this. In the end, you're the one losing out. We only cared about your bird and you were ungrateful to many people who disagreed with you and tried to correct certain things.

Edited by Dave007
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