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My new baby African Grey


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I have to wonder if there was some understanding between you and said seller. Because the unusual nature of this is obvious. So I have to ask why the seller was selling so young.


However..I am happy that the bird seems to be in good hands...I am very much a bird lover so I am sorry for my earlier speculations. But you just don't get threads like this every day.


Anyway...if its yer first grey...get ready for the ride of your life. And for the love of all good....send pictures

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LOL...why do you not answer the important questions? There is this glaring gigantic gap in information and I am curious at the least to ask...how the bird came about..because at that age they are not conventionally for sale. With all due respect..please explain.

Edited by Elvenking
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The breeder was selling it at that age, and it was a very good price. My grandfather said he'd help me, so we decided to get it, and that we'd put a lot of time into it. I don't regret that decision because the bird is doing very good. The breeder first told us we could wait and leave a deposit, but she said it would be a few hundred dollars more. We decided not to and to just take it then. As i said, i dont regret it.

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Well what's done is done you have the baby bird now & whats important is that you get the right advise & help from as many people as you can. I'm sure your grandfather will guide you & some of the guys & gals on here are here to help with some very good advise & knowledge.


Keep us updated on Amigos progress throughout the weeks & don't be afraid to ask for help on here.


Good Luck & welcome to the forum.

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I live with my grandfather who is an expert at taking care of very young parrots and raising them. He is guiding me.
"The breeder first told us we could wait and leave a deposit, but she said it would be a few hundred dollars more". I must apologize, I didn't realize your Grandfather was a "expert", and yes, the price of a life should always be taken into account, its always good to save a few dollars...Last year I bought 3 babies that the people bought to young and was having trouble with, I even paid them more than they paid, good deal for them, bad deal for 2 of the babies, I couldn't save them.... These good people of the Grey Forums have offered there help, all they've asked of you is a few questions so they can offer you good advice. My prayers are with you and your baby......Jayd
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The breeder was selling it at that age, and it was a very good price. My grandfather said he'd help me, so we decided to get it, and that we'd put a lot of time into it. I don't regret that decision because the bird is doing very good. The breeder first told us we could wait and leave a deposit, but she said it would be a few hundred dollars more. We decided not to and to just take it then. As i said, i dont regret it.


That breeder should NOT be allowed to breed birds and sell like that.....:mad::mad::mad::mad:


No offense to you, but this breeder gets no respect from me. :mad::mad:

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We are all concerned more about the bird and the breeder who would sell/give a birds still pink and bald and blind to some one to raise. You, we will do our best to help because that is what is best for the bird. Please do let us know how this baby is doing-we care very much and that passion is what may have made you uncomfortable.

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That is true Greywings, however it is the responsibility of the breeder to ensure that the birds are healthy and ready to go to their forever home. They should not be putting MONEY ahead of a life, after all their lives are at stake. Lucky for this baby, that it went to a person who has the resources at home to properly care for it.


Of course My concern is for this baby, as is all of us. I am however free to voice my opinion concerning breeders who put $$ ahead of any thing else. I have great faith that this baby will prosper in the care it seems to be getting and the advice others here are offering.

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Well congratulations to you and Amigo on your first anniversary!! I would love to see some pictures when you get a chance. I certainly love to see the babies! I look forward to hearing more about Amigo and hear about how well he is progressing! Happy anniversary!!

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Wow, you ask some questions that you really should know before attempting to raise such a young bird. I'm going to be blunt - get someone involved that KNOWS what to expect and how to properly care. Caring for a weaned chick, or even an 8 week old fledgling is remarkably different than what you are facing.


To answer your latest question, yes, the lower beak is typically wider than the top. It usually is a spoon shape to allow good food intake. Be EXTREMELY careful, though. Their beaks are very, very soft and tender. Doing something wrong now will affect the shape and function later on.


Again, please find someone that can properly care for the bird.

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This is Kito at 20 days old the day I brought her home. She was an only chick so she was extra fat and healthy. Her eyes were completely open. She was the first parrot chick I raised, but I had some experience with wild bird chicks. As long as you have experienced help and are very very meticulous about everything - feeding times, temperature, consistency, cleanliness, brooder temps, humidity, cleanliness, etc., etc., etc., you should do great. I weighed Kito before every feeding for the first 2 weeks! I've got some helpful files - weight charts, important brooding notes, etc. if you'd like them. Congratulations on your new baby!


Edited by Malikah
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Danmcq posted on "Plea" Quote " The bottom line on this, is as Dave007, Jay and others that chimed in have said.


If you are getting a baby grey or any other parrot. DO NOT let the breeder, store owner or even yourself, convince you it would be a good idea to take an un-weaned and un-fledged bird home.


There are many things that can go wrong and they do unfortunately to the horror of the new bird owner that makes a mistake or if the bird was sick and it was not yet apparent.


It is illegal in many states for a breeder or pet store to sell an un-weaned bird.


I hope, all states will soon pass this law and other countries as well. Too many young chicks die due to this unscrupulous practice.


Some may have done this and GOT LUCKY. Do not pay attention to or listen to those that have."


I'm sorry if this goes aganist what you believe, please read : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189414-*A-Plea-to-all-Members*-Hand-feeding...You were lucky!!!!! Jayd


As Dave007 said, if you already have the baby bird and need help, we will help all we can.

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Jayd, you can think what you like about me and my situation, but you really don't know me. My uncle (who encouraged me on this journey) is a breeder of parakeets, cockatiels, and love birds. He has many years of handraising experience and lives 15 minutes away. The breeder who sold Kito to me was in no way unscrupulous, he knew my uncle and knew he would help me. My sister-in-law has hand raised over 100 love birds and lives 2 doors down. I have successfully raised 3 baby robins who were only 2 days old when a cat ate one of their parents and the other never returned. The baby starling was a little older, and the 5 barn swallow chicks were starting to pin feather. I didn't get Kito on a whim. There were months of planning, studying, asking questions, investments, etc. involved. I am a highly intelligent, educated, meticulous person. I hardly slept for the first 3 weeks. Don't try to tell me I was just lucky.


I agree the breeder who sold them the bird was unscrupulous. Very bad Karma to her! This person already has the bird. They stated that they have experienced help living with them. Shouldn't we be here for them with encouragement and advice? I offered what little I could.

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I'm sorry for not realizing the amount of experience you've had. I reread your 1st post and couldn't find any thing about your familys help [which is great] or anything so I might know your situation or even something about you, I can only know what you or some one writes. I agree I don't have the experience you and your helpers have, I've nowhere near raised 100 love birds, or wild birds like you. I agree, your right, I should have been more concerned with helping this person out. "Shouldn't we be here for them with encouragement and advice? Sorry, I failed again. I wonder, maybe if you would have told us all this in your 1st post, this would have never happened? I knew I never should have maid that plea. A apology to Dan and all the rest of the forum...Jayd

P.S. We can only reply to what is written...I'm glad you have all the files to help him, and made him that offer, again I couldn't find where I had any bad feelings about you.


We haven't heard anything from him in a while now, I pray the babies ok!!!!!

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I was hoping for news of this baby too, but obviously none. I thought that perhaps this chap was too busy to come onto the forum to update us - it sounds a nightmare raising a chick, and I don't think I'd have time to come and update us on the situation, but I've checked when laker4life was last on - and managed to log on about 24 hours ago - so you would have thought a little update would have been warranted, considering a lot of people have taken their time and effort to help!


Please let us know what has happened in this situation - we really are concerned for both you and the baby x

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