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Palm Oil on Feathers


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This morning after Paco and I made his favourite breakfast of steamed veggies, whole weat pasta and beans with a bit of warm palm oil as the sauce.


After he finished eating I went over to visit him and to have some interaction in his space. I noticed that he had a really dark orange line on his jaw bone with what looked and smelled like palm oil. My best guess is that he shook his head with a noodle in his beak and the past probably made contact with his feathers.


I took him into the shower with me to see if the warm water might get some of the oil off of him, but it didn't. The line is about 2 - 2.5 cm long and is just a straight strip under his jaw. Considering how fastidious he is about his feather cleanlieness I can't help but wonder how he will respond to the palm oil on his feathers...


Right now he is sitting on the edge of his cage drying off, but I'm going to watch him as he dries off more to see his reaction to the oil.


Any thoughts on how to get this off of him, or do I just let nature take its course?

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Just let nature take its course. There's nothing you can put on to take it off. It'll come off as he constantly preens himself. How long it'll take is hard to say but it'll wear off soon enough. Dander will stick to the oil making the bird preen itself.

Edited by Dave007
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Oh sorry to hear Paco has some red palm oil stain. Dave's spot on.


I must say, visualizing the food slapping around the face, reminded me of the antacid commercial now running on TV and food is slapping them savagely about the face. :P

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Haha! You got it Dan, God knows if I tried to eat what he does in a day, I'd be gulping down the Aloe Vera juice like it was the freshest water in the world.


Jill, I'm glad to hear Havey is a bit sloppy as well!

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