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Murphy just made his first proper flight at 19 weeks old


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I have been helping Murphy with his flying skills since we brought him home 7 weeks ago, back then he couldn't even fly to his cage properly.


I have been helping him practise his turns, landings etc. Also training him where he can & can't perch. Over this last few days he has realised tops of doors & flat screen TVs are not his perches :rolleyes:


I have shown him flight paths that he can take to & from rooms & today he did his first proper flight all on his own.


We were doing the house work & I just seen him fly past the kitchen into the living room & land on his stand. My baby daughter was in there watching baby TV so he must have thought I'll go give her some company if this lot are too busy doing house work. Then about 20 Min's later I heard the flapping of wings & seen Kate duck as he came flying out of the living room & back to his cage :D


What a clever boy!

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Great job Murphy!!! Ana Grey has her landing spots also. Mostly because she couldn't fly when she can to live with me and is just use to them now. i think its a great idea to help Murphy learn were he can go and can't while he is still young.

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Let the flood gates open!! You won't have a second to yourself now - Murphy will follow you to the toilet, the fridge, the sofa......the list is endless!!! Now is the time that you have to keep a real eye out on those doors and windows - the world is his oyster and he's out to explore! Catch him if you can.........!

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Murphy has just done the same flight again, his confidence is growing. I could tell he wanted to fly into me but was running across the top of his cage back & forwards pondering if to take the leap of faith or not.........then it was like here he comes :D


I will try to get it on Video, I tried today but only got half the flight.

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