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So happy I have my African grey


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I just wanted to share that with everybody.


I've wanted one for 10 years now & I finally have my very own little grey friend. I've had him now for 7 weeks but I still think "WOW I can't believe I have an African grey" :D


I look forward to many years of fun with Murphy.

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19 weeks ago seems such a long time ago with Harvey - and he's only 17 months old! They quickly firmly establish themselves in your lives - and you wonder what you did before you had them! Still, nearly 14 months on, I still rush home and don't detour to the shops or friends like I used to - and we hang about the house a lot more now - the effects these things have on you! I hope you continue enjoying Murphy's company for a very long time :)

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I know exactly what you mean. Charlie is such a constant large part of my life. I simply cant remember what life was like before I had this grey bundle of fun and mischief around.I still vividly remember first bringing him into the house almost 7 yeas ago.

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I really get you - I decided in the early 1990s that I would like a grey - Alfie is now 2 years old and I still get that "WOW" factor! I wish you many many happy years with Murphy.

P.s. Janet - 30 years......really? Wow!! I thought I'd waited a long time - you must have the patients of a saint!

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I have a post I made from a few weeks ago saying the same thing. You look at them sometimes and you just can't believe that you ahve one. Like you, i wanted on all of my life. Either a Cockatoo or A Grey. I picked a Grey because I love how clever and interactive they are. Issac constantly amazes me with both his beauty and smarts. They are majestic little creatures.

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I think once you have met one somewhere & spent some time with an African grey they leave a lasting impression that you don't forget. For some people like all of us on here we just had to have our very own grey friend & that's what we did :D...................Lucky us!!!

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Yep, prior to getting Issac, I walked into a pet store and there was one sitting on a perch. I walked up and started making sounds, and he was copying me. It was so endearing, I think at that moment my mind started working on how I could finally get one of these babies in my life. By the time I had an appointlment with a breeder after much research...I knew I'd be coming home with a baby soon. I am so happy it is a reality now.

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I used to have some friends who had greys & at one friends house in particular I would spend hours just interacting with her. He would then moan at me next time I seen him that I had taught her stupid stuff......lol. It was after that, that I fell in love with them & knew one day I had to have my own grey.

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