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Obi's Beak


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So Obi had been very excited about me opening his cage today, he immediately climbed up to his playstand and proceeded to mess around happily. Then he took his normal flying leap off of his playstand to sit with me on the bed (which Im trying to encourage), or so I thought. Instead he had taken a hop to the floor and ate hardwood. He looked a little stunned but otherwise ok. Then I went to pick him up and he started bleeding from his beak all over me! I called the vet, put some cornstarch on it and rushed him in. The vet said it was saveable, put surgical glue on his beak and cleaned him up REALLY well. Needless to say he's ok, and he's not allowed to have anything hard in his cage that he can chew on, no birdseed so he's on baby food for at least a week till he gets a follow up. Is there anything else besides the liquid diet I can feed him to keep him happy. I was in tears, and Im still freaking even though he's been fixed up. I have always put calcium supplements in his water so he's got that as well. But what else can he have thats soft and safe for him? Thanks a lot!


Also! I am about to super clean his cage, sterilize it as best I can so that he's not going to have any chance for infections if I can prevent it!!!! I love him SO much and I was so scared of losing him or having him be so hurt....

Edited by CheshireObi
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TRy blending fruit really well so it is like a soft pulp. Also you can feed oatmeal .Blending veg will work well also. I am so sorry Obi has this injury, I hope it ill heal fast.Please keep us up dated

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Alright I will try those ideas. My mom has been stomach upside down since it happened, she wants to make him all sorts of squishy foods so I told her Id see what would be ok for him to have. I know we have oatmeal and a blender so I can mix pretty much anything into smoothie consistency. Im finally calming down myself and hes in his now almost bare cage (I feel horrible but he can't have anything had to chew on) just perched and calming down. I will certainly keep everyone updated, thanks so much!

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oatmeal (flavored), toasted bread, hard yellow cheddar cheese. break open some sunflower seeds and give the internals. It's very soft. Take the skin off of red peppers and give him that. Sugar snap peas. Millet spray. Cooked corn. Pastas. Budgie seed. They don't use the front of the beak to eat that and don't be afraid to give your bird seed that's made for much smaller birds.


Making smoothies wit things isn't a good idea. They still need solid soft food.

Edited by Dave007
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awesome thank you! Toasted bread I didn't think of. Ive tried to give him millet seed in the past and he's never been interested in it. But I will do whatever I can, I just want him to be healthy and get better. The alternative to what has has now is having part of his beak amputated and cauterized and neither me nor the vet wants to have to do that, so he's gonna try everything else can first.

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I am so sorry to hear this. But it sounds like you hae a good handle on it. How about Hard boiled eggs? You could cut them up, he would enjoy having something soft, yet chewable. I would stay away from anything messy, my birds wipe their beaks on whatever( table, chair backs, perches etc.). He could rub too hard and hurt his beak again. :( Please keep us updated on his progress.

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Well I gave him his baby food tonight and he gulped it down like the day I brought him home at 5 weeks. I think this may be the opportunity to get him out of his snarky butthead stage. Ive also made him some hardboiled egg but he doesn't seem too interested in it. Tomorrow Imma stick some well chopped up fruits in his bowl after he lets his baby food run through him. So far he's still whistling and blabbing away like his normal self, he seems to be ok so far...but of course I will continue to update this and let everyone know how he is.

Edited by CheshireObi
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I would stick with the vets advise of no seed or hard stuff. Mashed sweet potatoe could also be an alternative to get vitamins in to him, which I think is the most important thing at this stage. as well as preventing infection.

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.....get him out of his snarky butthead stage. .....


That is way too funny! Glad you found some humor during such a traumatic event for all of you. Thanks for taking such good care of Obi. And thanks for keeping us updated.


Snarky butthead stage.....priceless

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Well things have been way chaotic here, so I haven't been able to update like I should have, I've had some very sick little ratties...two of which got very sick and died, one in my arms from a seizure before we made it to the vet and the other was PTS at the vet. They were sisters and it seems it was something genetic. When it rains it pours lemme tell ya. Obi is doing really well, he's happy and hes so snuggly now, he loves to be picked up and he loves his behind the neck scritches, he acts like such a baby now, like he used to when i first got him. Even the little baby noises when I go to feed him the soft food. He's such a character, he's trying to make new sounds, one sounds like an alien spacepod landing, I have NO idea where he got it from but he's so proud of himself. I think the boy's beak is healing very well too. He's gonna be in for a recheck on Monday and I think the doctor is going to be quite happy with his progress!!! Thank you all so much for the help and the concern! It really means a LOT to me!

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You can cook some grains until they are soft and add that to the cooked mashed sweet potato and maybe add some powdered Ginger or Cinnamon they seem to enjoy the flavors. Look forward to hearing how he heals. These little guys are Kllutses I do not know how they survive in the wild.

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