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What would be your dream Job?


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I think I can safely say that probably 90% of us aren't in jobs (or retired from jobs) that we wanted to do when we were younger. Take me for example - I always wanted to be a journalist, specifically a travel writer - I work as a PA in Healthcare!


What jobs did everyone else want to do - and did you fulfill that ambition?

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First I remember wanting to be a newspaper reporter. Read the book "Nellie Bly" at a young age and it fascinated me. The farthest I got in that endeavor was front page editor of my high school newspaper and then the editor of a boy scout newsletter when involved in that organization. In my late twenties I decided I wanted to work in a law firm. I retired as a paralegal/office manager for a 5 attorney law office at the age of 50.

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WOW.....I LOVE this topic!!! :) This is going to be fun to follow! :) :)


I was "bred" to be a dance instructor...as per my mommy :( so I never had the opportunity to have a choice. I have had a variety of jobs as well on the side. I think my most favorite I have done so far is bookkeeping for businesses.

I wish I could retire at age 50, but unfortunately, after divorcing 2 1/2 years age, having 3 kids under 18 and having purchased my own house......retiring is way out of reach for me.

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I am really lucky as i do have my dream job, worked for a major company for 7 years before i bought my own business out, never looked back for a minute, lost my partner and soulmate of 12 and half years 8 months after i bought it as he thought it would fail, it didnt, its thriving and building. Im on call 24/7 and sometimes very busy, the rest of my time not working is my own. Nearly 5 years down the line i still feel so much pride seeing my name above the door and on the back of my car and many a time even now i park up outside my premises and think how far ive come and cry im so happy with it. The satisfaction i get is worth so much more than the monetary value of it all.

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I wanted to be a veterinarian as long as I can remember. I started college with that goal in mind but slowly came to the conclusion that I was too much of a softie for the job. I had a good paying office job before our son was born. Hated it, and no amount of money is worth being miserable. For the last 13 years I've worked at the barn where I board my horse and I love my job.

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my dream job would be to live in a huge houes and my only job would be to take care of my 12 to 15 birds :) of coarse I would have to have alot of bird rooms lol and I huge activity room kinda like an indoor jungle where they could all hang out and play and eat and I would hire a few bird experienced people to help me clean and take care of the birds , I know it's not a 9 to 5 job but it's still a job right? so does this count?

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