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Socialization Issue?


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Okay, so i mentioned in another thread that when I brought my daughter over to my place on Sunday, Issac got all puffed up at first but soon was okay with her being there after a few minutes. Seemed to turn out okay.


A girl friend of mine came over last night for a visit and he puffed all up again. She came to give me a hug and he flipped! Came up and tried to bite my face off...lol. There was a notable difference in his attitude during her whole visit too. Getting into lots of trouble and such. He was just a bit different it seemed.


Maybe I really don't have people over a lot...it has been a while since. So maybe I am not socializing him enough? I really am not sure what I can do about that. I just don't have tons of company over and I live alone. I really hope he lets me get him out on his harness, otherwise I might be in danger of having the 'one person bird'. I am all ears on thoughts regarding this. Thanks.

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Murphy has done the same thing. My parents came over Sunday & as soon as they walked through the door you would thing they were trying to kill him! He was clung to the backside of his cage all fluffed up growling loudly like a dog, It was then that I knew what the famous African grey growl sounded like :eek:


My parents couldn't understand what was going on as Easter Sunday I took him to their house & he was happy as Larry, sitting on my Dads chest having tickles & kisses etc.


Then today I put on a blue hooded top (hood wasn't up) & he was not happy, he wouldn't let me touch him, screaming & flying away from me like I'm some sort of predator. I couldn't understand the change towards me all of a sudden. I thought what have I done to make him lose all his trust in me & be so scared? Kate said take of the jacket, took it off & he was fine :confused:


I have tried to introduce him to all manner of different environments & people but yet he still gets freaked out at silly things. He was on his harness the other day in the garden with me & the neighbour came over to say hi, off he went again trying to fly off screaming blue murder! I settled him & asked the neighbour to stay a while, keep talking & then try to pet him when he is more settled moving slowly to him, eventually he let him give a tickle.

Edited by reggieroo
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Yes, that growl is something else. My daughter said, "He sounds like a tiger." If he wasn't so freaked out, it would be funny. I have a training DVD coming from GoodBirdInc and I hope it helps me learn how to keep my baby well rounded and proper. Do you also live alone with Murphy?



Edited by Elvenking
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Yes, that growl is something else. My daughter said, "He sounds like a tiger." If he wasn't so freaked out, it would be funny. I have a training DVD coming from GoodBirdInc and I hope it helps me learn how to keep my baby well rounded and proper. Do you also live alone with Murphy?


The growl made my parents laugh as they didn't know what to make of it!


I don't live alone, we have quite a big flock with my fiancee Kate, 6 month old baby daughter Ella-Rose, Zeus my German shepherd, Binks & Scratch the cats & a tank full of fish :D OH & not forgetting Murphy the 19 week old crazy CAG. The neighbours call it the zoo over here :)

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Calypso Is VERY timid around other people, AND animals...she is ok with the animals in the household, and my husband, But if someone unknown walks in, She doesnt scream, but if they come near her cage she gets all blowed up like a blow fish. :mad:


Oh and if I leave the house and come home, She is scared to death of me, untill I change into my "around the house" clothes which is just a tank top and cheeky undies, :eek: lol...So baisically when ever I am "dressed" she is very scared of me which sucks, BUT What are ya suppose to do. :confused:


I figure, Oh well even if she never gets over it, Honestly I dont really care if she likes anyone else, Because we dont have a lot of company over ethier so, Whatever, If she doesnt like them, Fine with me. lol I am not a people person so Who am I to judge her if she isnt ethier. Just as long as she stays cool with me and my husband and other animals, Im cool with that.


Anyway, Thats just my thoughts on the matter :P

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I think Issac might not like it when my attention must be divided. Which is probably why he was getting into things he shouldn't. He is a little rascal. My friend loves him too, and he eventually calmed down and let her pet him and hold him and such. She tried to make little tiny bits of her shoes too...lol. But when she first came in and wanted a hug...he was out for blood! Nabbed my cheek and I had to shoo him away. He was not pleased at all. He later let us hug goodbye. LOL....let us. I guess it was the total rush of new things that got him all worked up. Maybe he was protecting our roost.

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Was he on your shoulder when she came in and gave you a hug?


The reason I ask, is if they feel threaten, they will nip the other grey in the wild for example to get them to "Lift Off" because there is a perceived threat. Your the "Other". :P

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Was he on your shoulder when she came in and gave you a hug?


The reason I ask, is if they feel threaten, they will nip the other grey in the wild for example to get them to "Lift Off" because there is a perceived threat. Your the "Other". :P


Yes, he was on my shoulder, he had just flown there 10 seconds before.

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Calypso Is VERY timid around other people, AND animals...she is ok with the animals in the household, and my husband, But if someone unknown walks in, She doesnt scream, but if they come near her cage she gets all blowed up like a blow fish. :mad:


Oh and if I leave the house and come home, She is scared to death of me, untill I change into my "around the house" clothes which is just a tank top and cheeky undies, :eek: lol...So baisically when ever I am "dressed" she is very scared of me which sucks, BUT What are ya suppose to do. :confused:


I figure, Oh well even if she never gets over it, Honestly I dont really care if she likes anyone else, Because we dont have a lot of company over ethier so, Whatever, If she doesnt like them, Fine with me. lol I am not a people person so Who am I to judge her if she isnt ethier. Just as long as she stays cool with me and my husband and other animals, Im cool with that.



Anyway, Thats just my thoughts on the matter :P


I bet your husband isn't complaining that you have to walk around the house in your cheeky undies to keep Calypso happy :P

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I had just posted in the Health Room that I took Paco to the avian vet yesterday. Well, he could definately get the Oscar for most dramatic award winning performance, what a ham. What it came down to is that he acted so timid and paranoid that I ended up getting a good tongue wagging from the vet, not only on my own handling of Paco (I'm a type A, fairly aggressive personality, who is high-strung and a little on the hyper side), she described me as being "dynamic", but I got the point, anyway, she also really layed into me on his lack of socialization. Describing how he barbed his feathers at her and her staff before backing away from them when they tried to handle him. She insisted that he needed to meet more people and that they must hold him, but NOT on their shoulders. They also had concerns regarding his "paranoia" with hands... Long story short, he is leary of new people, but he certainly doesnt' act up like they described. Although I am in the same boat as you Stephen, I live alone, and don't have a lot of company. My friend Jason, who does often come over is scared of Paco's feet, so he is only willing to interact with Paco without holding him.


What they suggested is that I have more people over who would hold Paco on one hand with a variety of small hand toys in the other, and to talk to him in a soft, soothing voice. I hate company. This could be rough.


Anyway, what was really funny, is that I stopped at my old office that I transferred from on the way home. There are nearly 100 people in that office, and Paco was more than happy to "step-up" for about 20 different people without barbing his feathers once. He was grinding his beak, stretching and shaking himself out. Like I said, the Oscar goes to...

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My thinks he is jealous of the attention you give to these new birds coming into your house, as such he is acting out to ensure you give him and only him attention. ANY Affection given/received to/from you by others in his presence will not go over well... at first.


Keep him seeing you interact with others, and this won't becoming a bad problem. But it'll take time and bites to get there.

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Steven, when Isaac fluffed at your daughter, was he in his cage? His cage is his safe place, and any socializing may be better done away from it. If having people round isn't easy, take Isaac out in his travel cage. Go for a walk to the park, sit on your front doorstep - you will get loads of people stop to say hello to Isaac and he will hopefully get used to them and see they are not monsters.

It doesn't surprise me too much that Isaac bit your face because of the cuddle. Once a friend of ours came into the house with a muckle soft lump of a golden lab, it's the only dog/thing Alfie growls at, this first meeting, she was on David's hand, so it's him who got the nip, it's like she wanted to bite that dog soooooooo much, but just bit whatever was closest. Hopefully Isaac is still young enough that you can socialize him and have a less dramatic reaction when visitors come around!

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