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someone around here lost an african grey parrot...


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and it has been found. no owner found yet though


dont know if anyone on here is in virginia beach but heres a pic:




i kept getting calls people thinking its mine [dont know where my number is posted at hmm] but i hope to god the owners of the grey get their bird back =(

Edited by Brittany
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a guy just sent me a message on FB saying it might be his best friends parrot . i gave him the contact info. hope its his


I hope it is his friend's and not some trickster! I hope he has proof that this bird belongs to him. I know that there are some unscrupulous people around. Great news that this bird has been found though!!!

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Wow, I'm just waking up now and reading this, Brittany, Penny, you two are amazing! Penny, I remember that post as well, but I seem to think that it wasn't a member who was really active on the forum, which is why it is making it hard for me to remember.... Darn! I wish I could help...

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Hey Brittany,


I rarely get on here anymore(not enough time:( ) but i saw the ad on craiglist tonight and came on here to make sure it wasn't yours:) I'm in Va Beach too...Sephora is safe and sound..I hatehatehate these lost bird stories...scary!


Yea I really hope that bird was his...eeeks.

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