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Biting when wanting to step up


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Charlie never bites me. However lately when he is on my shoulder where he seems to be most comfortable, at times when I ask him to step up so I can put him in his cage, perhaps to eat and drink, he objects. He will do this sound I have come to recognise as his pissy attitude sound. If I insist on asking me to step up, he will bite.

What I generally do now is just let him be for a few minutes, then gently talking to him and scratching him. Then he steps up.


Has anyone experienced something like this? and is it really healthy for a bird to only want to stay around its owners shoulder all day?



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Our Grey does the same, especially when he knows he is going back in the cage.


We do the same as you. We sooth him with loving words, give head scratches and the he will step up willingly. I see nothing wrong with giving them a little loving before they submit to going back to the cage. That way it is a postive experience, versus a hitler type "You will obey!".


However, there are those times we don't have time to love him up, then we do the Hitler method. :P

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Thanks for the responses. I was a bit worried about me maybe having unawarely overindulged some sort of bad behaviour.


The Hitler type lol. I've tried that. Charlie doesn't respond well to that. He is a very stubborn (like me). The gentle approach just seems to work. It's like taking care of Dustin Hoffman's character in Rainman. Only with feathers :)

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Mabdewn, you might want to search the forum regarding shoulder birds. There is a lot of information on the pros and cons of shouldering, as well as info about the appropriateness of it with your bird's personality. It will definately give you lots to consider. Good luck on ending those bites! Dan, I don't think Dayo has ever seen a "Hitler" method in his life! LOL!

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