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All in a Day's Work!!!!


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When I get to work in the mornings I go for a coffee with my friend (06.30). Where we sit looks onto a courtyard, with one of the work records rooms directly oppposite. These have high windows that only open out about 5 inches. To my horror, there sitting in the window, trapped, was a pigeon.


Well, that was it - I was like something out of pet rescue! I ran round to the records room (luckily I have access) and tried to coax the pigeon to me (I think I was going to throw my coat over it, I'm not quite sure). I just knew I wasn't leaving it.


I then knew I couldn't do it on my own, so I telephoned the on call estates boys. Two chaps came straight to my aid and to cut a long story short we were able to "shoo" it towards the window's edge, where it managed to squeeze out.


To impact matters, it's mate kept flying down outside to check on it's whereabouts - it was heartwrenching!


So - not only am I employed by my company as a secretary, I am also part of the "Animal Rescue Team". All of this before 07.00 in the morning!! I am now having a well deserved coffee!!!

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Good job Jill. Reminds me of the time I rescued a baby bird found around my office building. I went to the pet shop on the way home and bought some meal worms. Fed that little featherless bird for weeks until it flew off into the sunset. I remember because I had just gotten another cartoon of worms the day he was released and had no one to eat them!!!!

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Oh to top it all off - I didn't get the credit - no, no, no! The rumour mill around my work started and the story ended with two porters rescuing the bloody pigeon!! No badge for me!!! :)


Oh, and also - as soon as I logged on my computer this morning after my valiant effort - I skyped my husband and said "I've had to rescue a pigeon today" - His reply "Don't bring it home, we've already got one"!!! What a cheek!!! :)

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