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Read at your own risk...I might die!


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OMG! I'm sorry to laugh at your expense, but I actually have tears rolling down my face! LMAO! Again, I'm so sorry, but your description makes it even funnier, I'm totally out of control in laughter. However, to confess, last night I got home late so I just picked up a pizza on my way home. Anyway, Paco loves to gingerly steal the odd bite of cheese off of the side while I'm eating, but usually just drops it down my shirt.


I got up to get another piece and when I got back to the couch (I was really being bad last night!), I noticed that there were little bits of cheese all over the cushion. I picked them up and put them on the side of the plate. It wasn't until I settled in again that I realized that one of the pieces of cheese was actually poop! Although I didn't eat it, it still grossed me out to have it on the plate with my food, so I couldn't eat anymore. I keep telling myself that his poop can't be that nasty considering that I could only dream about eating as healthy as him, but still its the idea of poop that grossed me out. Maybe he can help me lose some weight!!!


My story still isn't as good as yours though... I can't stop laughing, I'm sorry!

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I keep rereading this, Jacarual, I'm sorry! Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha! I just imagine your expressions and the thoughts that must have gone through your head. You single handedly made my day with this post. Thank you for trusting us to be sypathetic and empathetic to your trauma! I have to go read it again! I can't even breathe I'm laughing so hard!

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Sorry, but I must join the corus of laughter heard round the world now as well.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... deep breath, wipe the tears ...... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


You'll be "Ok".


Thanks for sharing this!!! :)

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Yes you are going to die. It happens to everyone eventually with or without the help of parrot poo. I cannot tell you when you are going but at least you know you gave us all a good laugh before you went.

I of course am immortal. Lucky me.


Steve n Mistyparrot

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Ok, so I woke up this morning, after making a nice parrot breakfast I couldn't wait to sit down and read this post over again! Yup, still gut laughing over it, and again, it's not the poop, but just the fact that you went to all the trouble to set yourself up for a nice "treat" before bed, and some quality "me" time only to have it destroyed. I do have a bit of a twisted sense of humour, but seriously, again, thank you. I'm so thankful that I'm not the only finding this funny. I was worried that I would come across as unsympathetic, but nope!

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I think this has been my favourite post ever! I phoned my Mom to try to read it to her, (I inherited her sense of humour) but I couldn't actually read it to her without screaming with laughter to the point that she couldn't understand what I was saying, so she just laughed at the fact that I was laughing so hard. I think we laughed at each other on the phone for about 20 minutes before I actually got it out. The fact that this was so disturbing to you that it kept you up until 5 am, was the frosting on the cake that you say you like so much. That was good for another 20 minutes of hearty laughter by the two of us. I had to go clean the lenses of my glasses as I kept squirting tears on the lenses...


You should see Mom and I if someone slips and falls... It's awful that we laugh, but reactions are so comical.

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