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Grey Cognition?


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It was cage cleaning time last night and I was cleaning Joey's cage. As Dan has mentioned before, we always tell our Fids what we're doing. I was talking to Joey and said to him "I love you" and Joey replied, "I know". Then I said, "Joey, I'm going outside to get newspaper", and Joey responded, "Oh! Ok". I laughed to myself before it dawned on me what he was saying. When I came back with the paper, Joey said, "Paper, ok". He's said this before. Salsa our Amazon was in Joeys cage later on and I told Jay that I would get Salsa out. Joey looked at me and said, "Oh good". All our big birds gather at Joeys cage, he don't mind unless he's in it...

I am really amazed at what comes out of their mouths...talk about "Out of the mouth of babes.....";)


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Spock has started a few new words/phrases...whenever our birds say something and we don't quite hear or understand what they are saying, we answer (Like they are kids, duh!) "What?" and "What did you say?". Spock has now started to say "What?" We know he doesn't know what that means yet...is this how they start to define what they understand? He likes the sound of that word and it is used quite often in the same context daily. It is so fascinating to hear them develop speech daily.


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