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TAG molting question


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Hey...ok, Jasper is my TAG...he is molting and growing new tail feathers in. His old tail feathers are gray. The new ones coming in are a red/gray color! His tail was all gray before and now it has red in it. I thought once their color got established, it would stay that way?


Apparently, i am wrong on that...but why?


Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I'm just curious as to why.

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Red/grey is actually marroon color which the majority of TAGs have. Sometimes the colors can be medium gray, dark gray, gray with a tinge of marroon, marroon with a tinge of gray, ash mixed in with light or dark gray. Most of the time, those colors are established after their first major molt. I don't know if this is your bird's first molt but there's nothing to worry about. There's always exceptions to the rule. With CAGs, it has to do with excessive gene color but with TAGs, their color can vary. Rest assured, your TAG isn't the first bird that's happened to.

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My little TAG, Ana Grey, has a lot of red in her tail also. She has always been that way and she is now 20 months old. I personally like it as it distinguishes her from other TAGs. There are some pictures here in the forum somewhere featuring her tail, but for the life of me i can't find them.

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